Chapter Seventeen

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Third POV

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Third POV

"Whoa...who's the new girl?"

"Damn...she's hot as hell!"

"But her skin....and why the mask?"

"You idiots, that's Eboni!"

Hearing her name, she turns around from her locker, placing her hand on her hip. Its disappointing how a little change makes everyone's head turn. After her talk with Jeff, she decided to...change things up a bit.

She cant understand why, but meeting him makes her what to reveal more true parts of herself- and not be ashamed of her appearance. However, she still can't get over the insecurity of her scarred face.

Eboni dressed in a white crop top and low-cut hello kitty pants to show off the straps of her pink thong resting on her waist. It's a bold fashion statement, but the confidence is finally there. She kind of enjoys the attention, but her eyes are only seeking Jeff's.

She found the funny how a change of wardrobe, gained so much male attention. The teen lost count on the amount of greetings she got. Of course she respond to each with an eyerol to the finger, showing off her long pink colored natural nails- much to the boys surpise.

"Damn girl! Wha's with the new look?" Taylor asked, leaning up against the locker next to Eboni's.

"N-Not that there's anything w-wrong with the new style. It's really pretty! But...kind of un-unlike you..." Iris said nervously, not wanting to upset her friend.

Eboni couldnt help but smile at Iris and pats her head. She really gained a soft spot for the girl for some odd reason. Maybe she reminds her of how she was before her life went to hell. Shy and kind....the teen truly misses those times with her parents.

"Nothing really, just wanted to change things up a bit. Wouldn't want cute outfits to collect dust." Eboni shrugs, closing her locker after grabbing what she'd need for her first class.

"And who brought this newfound confidence in ya' huh? The same guy who-"

"T-Taylor stop! You promised!"

Eboni gave Iris a reassuring smile before looking at Taylor. "Maybe it was. So what?"

"C'mon girl! Dont go keepin' shit from us now!"

Right then the bell rings, giving the students a five minute warning to get to class. Eboni gives Taylor a playful grin before walking away, her hips swaying a bit purposely. Both Taylor and Ieis share a look of confusion, shrugging their shoulders and walks in the opposite direction to their first class.

The first three classes went by rather slow, and annoying for Eboni. The guys wouldn't stop staring, lusting after her while the girls glare with jealousy. The teen is starting to regret fully embracing herself, it's not like the guy she has her eyes on could see her- since that's who's shes dressing for now.

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