Chapter Thirtyfour🔞

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Third POV

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Third POV

The two went on to fuck each other several times that night, their activities coming to an end in the early morning hours. Eboni was quick to fall into a deep sleep after given her aftercare by the killer, but Jeff took longer for sleep to overtake him.

He watched Eboni sleep, stroking her cheek and massaging her scalp as she slept- light snores leaving her lips. The killer couldn't help but sigh. He really has fallen for her- hard. Even after sleeping with her a few times, he still wants more. It would never be enough.

Even now, moments like this- he enjoys dearly. He enjoys wanting her sleep, studying every detail about her face and her sleeping menuisms. The teen would do this thing, when Jeff would pull away- she would whine and reach out trying to grab him. Once she felt him near she would move closer, snuggling against his chest. But on nights when alone, she would curl up into a ball- holding to her stuff bunny for dear life. Sometimes Eboni would scrunch up her nose when pieces of her hair tickles her face.

Jeff found all of that to be adorable. Everything about Eboni is perfect in his eyes. Maybe that's why he couldn't let her go even if he tried. His heart longs for her now, so much so that his brain can no longer process a life without the girl. It can- but It'll be a agonizing life to live through.

The killer had to admit that his time spent away from her was extremely difficult. It seems that whenever he isn't out on missions or doing something stupid with BEN & Jack- he always craves to be near Eboni, glued to her side like a magnet. During those three days, he wasn't given any jobs and being near BEN & Jack irritated him. All he wanted was Eboni.

But he had to stand his ground. He needed her to see that this world is a fucked up place and everyone in it always has a motive- even himself. Of course he has one, though in his mind he views it as good towards Eboni. He just wants her to himself. He wants her to fully bring herself to his knees and devote her life to his. That's his motive, that's what he wants. But others keep getting in the way- others like Taylor and her friends. The killer just needs a way to prove to the girl that no one wishes her any good but him- all she needs is him and only him.

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