Chapter Thirtynine

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Third POV

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Third POV

Its Monday. The beginning of the week. Most are optimistic, hoping the week would be better than the last. Not Eboni though. She wishes for the weekend to return so she can spend her days in her bed doing absolutely nothing.

After everything that took place, Eboni blocked Taylor on everything- heart heavy as she did so. Eboni was also informed by Tiffany that they'll be returning today later in the evening. The teen is thankful towards Luna and Iris for cleaning up her room. She didn't want her foster parents to question why her room was a complete mess. But she would have to make up some lie for why most of her favorite belongs got destroyed.

Right now Eboni is riding to school on her rollerblades, dressed in a hoodie and sweatpants. Once there she puts her hood over her head, desperate to go unnoticed by a certain guy. She quickly grabs the books needed for her first three classes and changes her shoes, stuffing her rollerblades into her locker. When Eboni goes to shut her locker, a hand appears above her- pressing the locker shut.

Her body tenses, knowing exactly who's behind her base on the feeling if their body pressed against hers. The male stares down at the teen with unblinking eyes, drinking in her appearance. The blonde grins, leaving down to whisper in her ear.

"Hey Ebs. I missed you. How come you haven't replied to my message?", Alex questions.

Eboni doesn't answer, her body freezing. No matter how much she pleases for her body to movie- shove him away, it won't comply. Alex frowns, pressing his body against her much rougher- causing Eboni's body to be pressed against the lockers.

"Ebs. I asked you a question, I don't like getting ignored- you know that better than anyone. The tantrums I would through if you weren't giving me enough attention."

"Th-Those tantrums..g-got you beatings." Eboni stutters out, malice laced in each word.

"But it was wooooorth it! Wanna know why? Because you'd always come to my refuse and give me the attention I wanted all along." Alex giggles.

"Y...You sick f-"

Alex moves to grab Eboni's hair, a few students watching the interaction but thought nothing of it. His smile stretches, grip tightening. "Me? Sick? My love for you is sick Ebs? That's soooo mean! Any idea how I felt when I went back to my room and you were gone? The abandonment- the rejection you forced upon me? And how you didn't respond to none of my messages- not a single one. That hurt me badly Ebonis. But it's ok! I forgive you!"

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