Chapter Thirty 🔞

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Third POV

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Third POV

There Eboni stood, crying over her parents ashes. They weren't buried, the family thought that would be to expensive. Why pay thousands on two dead people? Something stood out to the little girl. Oddly enough, no one seemed to grieving and their deaths like she is. Eboni seems to be the only one distraught.

The young child watches on, her family hosting a small memorial service. It wasn't grand, nor a great sendoff that her parents deserved. They were just trying to get this over with. Everyone that wasn't apart of the family would spare Eboni this pitied look which seems to anger her. She never experienced such anger, so not knowing how to handle it- she results in just screaming.

The screams were cut short by her Aunt her gave her a look of annoyance. The pain that look caused was enough to shut Eboni up. After the memorial, a social worker came to take Eboni, placing her in her first foaster home. She was confused at first, questioning why her father's family wouldn't take her in- why her aunt wouldn't take her in.

Those questions would fill her min consistently during her first years with her foster family. The endless abuse causing those feelings of being unwanted to fester into anger- to rage. Her social worker didn't take much care of Eboni's case, placing her in random homes without holding detailed background checks.

It's no wonder this child grew to be a resentful, angry teen with many issues.

Tears flows down her cheeks, the teen not bothering to wipe them away as she told her story to Jeff. She should be used to this by now. She thought she'd be used to her family rejecting her after her parents death. She thought she forgave her parents for leaving without her.

"I wanted to die with them. To be with them. It wasn't fair- they weren't fair. Why didn't I die? I know I was supposed to...but why didn't I?" She questions, not excepting an answer.

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