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Third POV

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Third POV

One Year Later...

Jeff slowly peels his eyes open, rubbing them in his sleepy state. Smile dog stands over him, licking his face to help wake him up. The killer sighs, petting smile dog in thanks as he slowly sits up. He curls up slightly, glancing up at the ceiling. After a few seconds, he lowers his head- glancing to the other side of his empty bed.

Another day of emptiness.

Jeff's days seem to have lost color without Eboni. He lives his life day by day- not to the fullest, just pushing through the consent hurt weighing him down. It was difficult at first. After Eboni's request to live on, he vowed to do so- but that was easier said than done. She didn't give him tips on how to cope with this void, the consent loneliness.

He took her for granted, used her for his own selfish needs & wants. He considers this her get back for all the things he made her endure. He chuckles, shaking his head at the thought. If this is how Eboni felt during his absence for a month, his karma is having to endure this pain for another year.

It's fair, at least to him. He could've done better. He should've done better, but such things aren't in Jeff's nature. He's destructive, extremely stubborn, selfish, manipulative, a walking hell. But lately, he seems to have changed. Not for the better, or for worse- but a subtle shift in his demeanor. Jeff hardly drinks, maybe taking a few shots but never drinking a full bottle. He rarely talks, spending most of his time watching over Eboni, in his room, or out on missions.

He only speaks with BEN, Ej, & Sally. Eboni's lost has broken the poor ghost child down, witnessing Sally cry over Eboni made him spill a few tears of his own. Sally was out on a two day mission when the incident happened. She refused to believe it at first until seeing how broken became. Luckily Laughing Jack was enough to comfort her.

The time he spends in his room is consumed by him sharpening his knives, and practicing his aim in the underground gym locations under the mansion. Jeff has kept himself fit, needing to make up for the muscle mass he lost over the time spent with Eboni. The two only went to the gym once....and barely did anything- though they did do bit of their own personalized excercises.

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