Chapter Seven

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Third POV

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Third POV

"Fucking...hell.." Jeff curses under his breath as he limps slowly through the woods, clenching the stab wound on his abdomen.

Normally the killer would be piss. He hates when his victims fight back a bit to much. Sure he enjoys the chase, but when they get that sudden 'will to live' it sets him off. But that girl...she caught his eye the moment news went around about a new family moving into his home.

Ben is always the one to keep taps on everyone's past lives. He was the first to tell Jeff the news. The two found it funny. Who in their right minds would move into a serial killer's old home? Idiots. Idiots would. So jeff took it upon himself to keep eyes on the new family. Slenderman didn't mind, the creature needed more offerings anyways.

He had watched as the family unloaded the van, though it was mostly a teenage girl being ordered to. The killer couldn't help but click his tongue. It's not shocking that the killer hates a lot of things- one of them being people with no backbone. Like hell he'd ever let anyone boss him around like that, slenderman still doesn't have a tight enough leash on the infamous killer.

What did catch his eye was that voided look in her eyes. That deep emptiness, fading to a darkness hidden behind them. Jeff knew that look, Jane had the same. Only difference between the girls are their upbringing. Jane was raised with loving parents, this girl however wasn't.

To be honest, Jeff could tell the teen wasnt even related to them. She stood out completely with her skin being so dark. What he doesnt get were the white spots on her knuckles. Maybe that's why she's treated so poorly, her skin.

As the days flew by, he found himself wanting to watch her 24/7. He couldn't understand why. Maybe he was waiting for her to break. That did happen during school. He had watched the fight from a cafeteria window, everyone being to focused on the fight to notice him. He was right, that girl's life has always been a shitty one.

Then to hear that bitch of a foster mother talk down to her in such a way, really irked him. So much so he decided to make himself known to her. The smiling killer stood outside her window, the look on her face bringing a sick twisted feeling in his chest.

She enjoyed it. This bitch enjoyed being watched. It would make sense after being deprived of attention most of her life. Though the killer honestly excepted her to scream, maybe even shake in terror- she stared back while biting those fucking lips.

He couldn't believe it. The teen seemed more interested than afraid. Jeff couldn't help himself and moved to get a closer look. He wondered what sounds would come from those juicy plum lips of hers. As he was crossing the street however he paused, seeing her flash her own knife at him. The look on her face clearly stated, 'fuck around and find out'.

He wanted to laugh. He really really wanted to fuck around. This random chick dared to threaten Jeff of all people, a killer who could end your life in seconds without batting an eye. Though he found it amusing and couldnt help but grin. Another day. He could wait another day.

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