Chapter Twelve

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Third POV

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Third POV

Another week has passed. Things have been quite quiet lately, nothing to major within Eboni's life. The therapy sessions are still in full swing, much to the teen's dismay. The bright side is Tiffany is finally leaning town to join your husband, Daniel, for work.

However, Eboni had to promise not to skip her sessions- unless informing Tiffany before hand if she couldn't. The reasons also had to be reasonable in the eyes of her foster mother. Eboni didn't like thos sort of attention. She still didn't trust Tiffany. Something within her is preventing her from doing so.

Maybe it's the fact the teen only has two people she'll ever consider her parents. Even after so many years since their studden passing, they still hold a special place in Eboni's heart. So much so that it leaves no room for any possible parenteral figures.

Eboni is currently waiting for the final bell to ring, signaling for the weekend. Luckily the office that holds her sessions are closed Friday and throughout the week end. It gives the teen some time to finally catch up on her 'me' time. Once the bell rings, all the teenagers storm out of the classroom, Eboni staying behind for a bit- waiting for the halls to clear out some.

Taylor walks in the room, waving at Eboni- Iris coming in a few minutes after. The three have grown close after bonding over their near death experiences with the serial killers. Eboni has come to enjoy their company, laughing together and discovering new things about the other. She's come to realize she has many things in common with these girls.

Although the teen notices the secretive air that still looms around the two, she doesn't mind. Its understandable considering Eboni is the new one within the friend group. Besides, she has secrets of her own- her biggest being Jeff.

The teen hasn't heard anything from the killer, nor has she felt watched. The closest of hearing from him would be the news channel explaining it's new homicides of the week. With each passing day, that feeling of longing for him grew more and more.

"Any plans today?" Taylor asked, after blowing a bubble with her chewing gum.

"Not really. Might stop by the skate park. I road here on my rollerblades, So." Eboni answers with a shrug, standing from her desk.

"Damn girl! Ya know how to blade?" Taylor smiles, her rich country accent coming through.

Eboni places her bag over her shoulder before nodding her head. "Yeah. Do you?"

"Nah, only once in awhile. Iris though is the shit! She's the one that thought me." She grins, nudging the shy gothic teen.

"I-I'm not that great. My big sister taught me when we were really young. I just m-made it more of a habit than she did.." Iris smiles softly, twiddling her fingers.

"Oh ya right! I forgot. Let's stop by ya place to grab our shakes. Fucking hope Luna is there!" Taylor said, full of excitement.

"Luna?" Eboni questions while the three make their way through the empty halls and out the front door, her shakes in hand.

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