Chapter Fiftyfive

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Third POV

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Third POV

"Damn Trish. You weren't kidding when you said this bitch is dorable." Emma sighs.

Trisha lights a cigarette, shrugging her shoulders before kicking Eboni in the ribs. "Told ya'."

"Ain't no way she's still kicking!" Kimberly gasp dramatic, moving to lift Eboni's head by her hair. "Ewww look at her face, it's all swollen!"


Eboni blinks her eyes, surpised they aren't swollen. She can't move, her body numb- yet the pain she feels is so great. She didn't stand a chance against a dozen girls. Eboni at this point accpets get death, no longer wanting them to prolong it.

Emma steps forward, moving to sit on Eboni's back as she lights a cigarette as well. The teen whimpers in pain, the weight of Emma's body adding pressure to her cracked ribs. Emma blows smoke through her nose, looking down at Eboni.

"I'll be real with you- I didn't give a shit about our members dying. Most of them were low ranks or newbies. It wasn't until my sister got on his hit list."

Eboni's eyes widen. She knew she's seen Emma from somewhere, or the girl looked to familiar to someone- but who? Beth steps up, lowering herself down to spit in Eboni out of pure hatred for the girl.

"Remember Emily?"

Then it clicked, the start of it all. Jeff was there to kill Emily, and maybe gawk at Eboni just to past time. Damn, turns out these wanna be gangsters are smarter than Eboni thought.

"Yeah...yeah we put two and two together. That's why we stepped to you after you suddenly went ghost the same day Emily died. Then more bodies started stacking up, so we had to figure out who you were working with- and Taylor sang like a fucking canary. She really does love that junkie of a mother."

Eboni isn't surprised, of course that coward would rat her out just to save her own ass. At this point Eboni wishes Taylor would just drop dead, to bad her time came before the blonde's. Emma finished her cig, putting out the bud on Eboni's check- leaving a scar. Trisha does the same, putting it out on her split swollen lip.

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