Chapter Sixtyfour

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Third POV

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Third POV

Jeff pulls out of Eboni after finally catching his breath. "Fuck...that was good.." he sighs, looking down at the girl still in his arms.

He tilts his head, grinning. "Why you looking at me like that?"

Eboni pouts, "waiting for...instructions."

Jeff's eyes widen slightly, placing a hand over his mouth. It took everything in him to keep his dick from springing back to life. This new Eboni is going to take getting used to, but its what he wanted. So he stands, moving to grab Eboni and carry her back to the bathroom.

The killer goes to the walk in shower, turning the water to warm. He gently places Eboni onto the stool attached to the shower wall. When the water is warm enough he removes the shower head and sprays the water over Eboni.

"First we're gonna get clean. Next we're gonna steal whatever money these fuckers having lying around. Then we're gonna high tail it the fuck out of here. Understand?"

"Yes Jeff.", she smiles softly- closing her eyes as the killer begins washing her hair and body.

As the killer washes her hair, he'd lean down and plant kisses to her cheeks and lols- making Eboni giggle. When done with her hair, he starts washing her up- smirking at the bruises and hickeys littering her body. Once Jeff deems her clean, he washes himself rather quickly- turning off the water and steps out. He grabs a towel, drying Eboni first before himself. Jeff searches around to try a find a blow dryer to no success.

"Tch. Rich bitch. Your hair can handle air drying right?"

"Yeah, it'll just be a bitch to detangle."

"I'll fix it up later. Can you walk?"

"Yes...just a bit." Eboni said, grabbing Jeff's hand that he extended to her.

He smirks, picking her up- Eboni wrapping her arms & legs around him. He takes the elevator to the first floor and walks into her room. He places her on the bed and grabs her bag. He tilts his head. He pulls out a black crop top that ties in the front, a leather jacket, and black leggings- as well as a lace bra and panties set.

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