Chapter Sixtysix

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Third POV

The walk back to the mansion is done in silence. Jeff ignores the pain in his legs from the bullets, paying more attention to Eboni's needs. He's hoping she didn't allow that demon king's words get to her, but her silence is speaking volumes- and BEN has been fidgeting since Zalgo's encounter. He clearly knows something.

Finally at the mansion doors, BEN pushes it open so Eboni and Jeff can stumble inside. Most of the proxies are in the kitchen, eating their Christmas dinner while a few are opening presents still. Sally, who is sitting on Slenderman's lap, gasp happily. She wiggles off of his lap, running towards Eboni.

"Eboni! Eboni! Eboni! You came! You really came!" She cheers happily, latching onto her leg.

The teen smiles, patting her head. "Yeah...yeah I did."

"Wanna see all my gifts!? I got so many this year!"

"Maybe some other time. Today has been a long one."

The child stares up at Eboni, tilting her head. She can tell something is bothering her but she won't pry. "Well okay..."

Slenderman stands, walking over to the three. He stares at Eboni who stares back. Being this close is causing a headache, but at least she's not getting a nose bleed. The creature extends his hand towards her, waiting for her to take it.

"Welcome to your new home, Eboni Brown."

The teen laughs, confusing everyone except for Jeff. "I've been much shit, crap that I'm sure you knew about- even witnessed for yourself. We almost got caught tonight, where were you? If I was supposed to be an added addition to this 'family' you would've saved us. I'm not gonna become one of your mindless puppets- I won't. I would I serve under a ruler that keeps secrets from their people? Secrets that could result in them turning against you? Let me make something clear to you-"

Eboni turns to Jeff who's leaning against the door for support. He gives the girl a encouraging smile, his eyes holding a look of pride. So Eboni looks back at Slenderman to finish, still clenching her shoulder in pain.

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