Chapter Three

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By the time Fran and I get back from getting everyone's coffee, everyone is already seated on the field, a picnic blanket splayed out on the lush campus grass courtesy of Fran and a flask with what I can imagine alcohol in it courtesy of Marcus lay on the ground too. Fran and I hand out everyone's coffees and she plants herself between her boyfriend Justin's legs, I edge towards the corner of the blanket, seating myself between Zach and Maggie. All our classes have ended for the day and this is the time we usually just hang out, maybe do some work, pass around a joint or flask, and then do it again the next day. - Crazy enough we all started out in the same undergraduate classes in our first year, and even though were all different people with complete different majors, were just too lazy to make new friends and we like each other's company enough that we still do this everyday

''so you and Justin are going to Tahiti with his family for break'' I hear Jane say to Fran. I wasn't eavesdropping before but now this piece of information makes me edge closer because I haven't heard of this, Fran hadn't told me, but Jane knows, this realization makes me not want to tell her about my mom seeing that were harboring secrets.

''oh yeah, nothings confirmed yet –'' she answers sheepishly

''yes, but I mean Tahiti sounds great, if you have any room in your suitcase-''

''you going to Tahiti?'' I ask her, I can't help myself, Fran smiles at me like she wasn't keeping it a secret, like if I had to act upset she wouldn't know why I was upset. And I know I'm making a big deal out of nothing, but when you have a friend that you tell practically everything to, when they don't it feels like betrayal

''yeah Justin sprung the idea on me last month, and I mean Tahiti is beautiful, I'd love to travel more, I haven't been anywhere outside the state, but I don't know because mom and dad say my pops is not looking so well, and I was planning on spending time with him this break'' Fran says whilst twirling the ends of her hair

''you should go'' I answer hoping I don't sound bitter and instead sound exited and encouraging

She nods thoughtfully

''like I said, nothing is confirmed'' she mutters matter of factly

I take a sip from my cup

''oh hey how did it go with your mom?'' Fran asks

''what's going on with your mom?'' Marcus asks butting in

I see the panic on Fran's eyes, she looks at me and I see her open her mouth to twist some story about my mom or switch subjects quickly to deflect the attention she has attracted about my personal matters, thinking she needs to do this to protect me, knowing Fran, she probably feels guilty because the whole thing about my mom was pretty much private, was always private – up till now

''Marcus you can't just–''

''my biological mother wants to get to know me after years of having nothing to do with me'' I say affirmatively, surprising myself by how detached I feel from that revelation

Fran shuts her mouth; everyone is quiet and looking at me now, Marcus's friends; Elias and Dylan have stopped looking at Justin's laptop screen to look at me, Maggie, Shirley, Kennedy, Justin, Zach and Fran are watching me intently. I don't think I mind it, it feels good to say it aloud, previously Fran was the only one who knew about this, and now all my friends, even my non-friends know.

''wait so Tessa isn't your mom?'' Justin asks. Everyone calls her by her name, because Tessa is young and she insists on everyone calling her Tessa, except me of course, I call her mom and I still remember the first time I had called her that, she had hugged me so tight I felt complete, like there was no room for hurt to exist inside of me when Fran was hugging me

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