Chapter Thirty

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The next morning, everyone set off early for the airport to check in for their flights. Elias said he would meet me by my place and then we would go to the airport together, but we were supposed to be at the airport 15 minutes ago and he is still not there

Amber where are you? Fran texts

I look around one more time, thinking he might be coming around the corner, he is not, I wait another 5 minutes before leaving

I'm leaving for the airport now, just go through to the airport we are already late. I send Elias the text

On my way. I text Fran and then request an Uber.

I arrive at the airport and everyone is already checked in

''sorry I couldn't check in for you'' Fran says ''I didn't have your passport''

''Thank you'' I say anyway because I know she actually did try

We wait for Elias until they are just about to close the boarding gates

''Where the fuck is he?'' Justin asks Fran, but looks at me when he says this

If I knew I would tell them, but I did not

Sorry I can't come, got my results this morning, I failed a module, they are letting me re-write but I need to stay to study. Elias finally text me

I will not pretend that I am not disappointed that he won't be joining us, but we are all here already and all of us are super exited for this trip, with or without him we are going.

I show Justin the message, as he is the one clearly the most passionately wondering where Elias is, he nods his head when he reads it, and that's the end of it

We walk up the ramp to board the plane; Zachary falls in like next to me

''boyfriend not coming?'' he asks, but it sounds more like a declaration

I look to him ''yeah''

''bummer, he is missing out'' he says and smiles ''I heard Mexico is great''

''Yeah, where did you hear that?'' I ask humoring him

''From Rose'' he answers proudly, I laugh

Of course he did

Zachary smiles and then he is past me, as he has much longer legs than I have, that they carry him twice as fast. My eyes follow him from behind, how does Elias think he wants to sleep with me? He is quite literally a depiction of what one would call golden-retriever energy.

I do not fret about it anymore once we are all seated on the plane, Maggie next to me pulling out a bag of facemasks and eye masks for the plane

Mexico here we come


Mexico is vibrant, beautiful, and colorful. We are all very much mesmerized by its beauty. I wish Elias could have been here to see it, I send him a text to let him know that I'm thinking of him before lugging all my baggage up the stairs to the room that I would be staying in. The resort Rose's abuela organized us rooms in is gorgeous with huge pools and every one of rooms has a balcony

I send my mom a picture of the view and tell her that I have arrived safely as I did inform her that I would be in Mexico for a couple of days, and that I will be back next week Monday. She tries calling me a couple of times but I do not answer because I'm not ready to speak to her yet

I also get a text from Lila saying I need to come to her office next week Tuesday, to which I reply to by sending her a thumbs up emoji

The next morning we head out early to get Rose a dress for her ceremony, and then we all help in doing her nails, hair and makeup, I'm not very good at any of those things, but I paint her toenails.

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