Chapter Twenty Two

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I didn't need time to think, I wanted him more badly than I had ever wanted anyone

I really hoped he liked me as much as I did, and if he was being truthful I couldn't believe that for the first time a guy that I liked first liked me back now, and to make things even better he probably thought he liked me first

Which I was totally okay with

We made our first debut as a couple at Justin's Halloween party, a month after their engagement, our friend group had been giving me looks since the engagement party when I let him kiss me when I thought no one was watching. I mean they were my friends and I did want to ask them why the looks, as it was never anyone in our friends groups thing to judge who the other person dated. I mean id expect it from Marcus but no one else, Marcus also did unfortunately bear witness to the kiss not that it made any difference because he was happily engaged now but I just felt embarrassed because he saw it, but I couldn't exactly act embarrassed because no one knew about it besides Elias, and I didn't want Elias to see me react as well in case he thought I still had feelings for Marcus.

That night at the party we rode together in Elias truck, our friends didn't say anything because they knew by then of course, it was just a memorable night for me because it was our first outing as a couple basically

I went to the restroom and he went to get us drinks, and when I met Elias in the main foyer again he handed me a cup, and kissed my bared neck, I shivered in response to his touch, Elias had a way of just touching me and I'd be turned on.

I went into the bathroom and splashed some water at the back of my neck, and then exited, I saw Elias talking to Justin, and I went over to the food table, it wouldn't hurt to do something else other than be around Elias and think about him fucking me for the whole night

Everything felt like it was burning hot when I was around him, and I didn't want to burn quickly, I gave him a little all the time then took as many steps as I could back for my own safety, as fire is most known for one thing, engulfing and burning everything in its wake

We hadn't done anything, besides a few kisses, it's just we were always busy, and we hadn't really made plans to see each other because of finals and everything, and when we weren't doing that we were helping Marcus and rose as they planned their eloping trip in Vegas

It was my first Halloween with someone, and collectively we had agreed to actually dress up this year. Our whole friend group had decided on I as it wasn't something I had thought about.

Elias went as a low maintenance vampire and by that I mean he was dressed in black jeans and a shirt, the only thing significantly vampirific about his outfit was the plastic fangs he had in his mouth, and a little bit of purple, black and red eye shadow surrounding his eyes which I had carefully applied whilst in his lap, which took roughly about an hour due to the relentless kissing and sometimes sucking he kept planting on my neck and jaw, really testing his 'vampire' abilities

''Do you want to dance?'' he asks, slipping a hand around my waist

''not really'' I say mainly because my brain doesn't work when he is touching me, and dancing feels like too much of an effort right now based off of how my brain is feeling

''Oh is that only for Maggie'' he whispers again, and it takes me a minute to process what he said

So he had seen, this brings me joy, to know that he had been watching me then already

I just look at him, and don't bother to answer.

''You look hot'' Elias says so matter of factly, like statement like telling me there are 7 days in a week, I take a sip of my beverage, hoping my blush doesn't show.

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