Chapter Six

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Over the years I have wished desperately many of times for the ability to see into the future. Personally, I didn't think I was asking for a lot, I wasn't asking for detailed descriptive visions of what was to come, neither was I asking for the ability to change anything, I just wanted to know. It could even be like snippets of the future like Raven has on that TV show called that's-so-raven.

Like a little heads up

Its late the time on my screen reads 11: 53. It's almost twelve and I have gotten nothing done and instead have spent the last few hours staring at a screen. The chime of my phone breaks me out of my trance

Hey, you awake?

I read the text and feel the frown deepen on my forehead, confused as to why Marcus Fleming is texting me. I have his number saved of course and he has mine I assume but we don't really text one another, we were mutual friends who watched each other's statuses from time to time, but that's it

Hey? I answer back

I see the three dots at the bottom of the screen, I wait, it disappears, and then starts again

This happens for at least 3 minutes before I give up and I put my phone down

My phone chimes signaling a text message has come through

Can I call you?

This deepens my frown even further, I have no idea what is going on, I begin to type, but change my mind and decide to call Marcus instead

He picks up four rings in; I don't wait for him to speak

''hey, is everything okay?'' I ask unable to keep the worry out of my voice

''Yes, yes I am, Oh god Amber – I'm not calling for anything like that –'' Marcus fixes quickly

I let out a breath of relief I hadn't even known I had been holding till I released it

''Wait, what does that entail of?'' I ask

''it's not an emergency....'' he clarifies

''oh'' I say, because that's all I can think of saying

''To what do I owe the pleasure then?'' I ask cutting to the chase

I hear him let out a breath

''I actually wanted to speak to you about something... it's a funny story actually –'' Marcus trails off, and I can almost hear the nervousness in his voice

I shut the computer that I have been staring at for the past 3 hours having now fully given up and let out a sigh. I don't mean for the sigh to sound so come out so loud

''Oh shit sorry, I didn't even ask if you were busy'' Marcus says hastily

I stand up keeping the phone in place by my ear with the help of my shoulder

''No I'm not busy, I have time'' I say clasping my hand over my mouth to stifle the yawn thatb manages to escape

I make my way to the bedroom, not knowing how long the call will last but I suspect it won't be long because Marcus and I don't have much to speak about, we aren't really friends. I pull off my sweatshirt getting ready for bed

''My mom was telling me about your aunts'' he starts

''Yeah?'' I murmur, not really paying attention

''Yeah'' he affirms and I can practically hear him nod through the phone

''Oh which ones, dad's side or mom's?'' I put the phone down on the bed and press speaker so that it's easier for me to get undressed

''I think it's your dads sisters''

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