Chapter Nine

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We are together for about a month before Marcus officially invites me to his parents' house for dinner. Unlike me he has told his family all about me. And this might be presumptuous of me to assume, but the fact that he told practically his whole family about me, lets me know that I'm the only girl in his life. I could be wrong I'm not sure what exactly bringing a girl home to meet your family means, or what relationship milestone it is. But meeting the family must mean something, because you don't bring everyone home to your family do you?

''you must be Amber, lovely to meet you'' I'm greeted by Hilary upon arrival, Marcus mother, she's a tall woman sporting a full grey bob that reaches her shoulders

''Thank you for having me'' I answer as she pulls me in for a hug, Marcus doesn't let go of my hand squeezing encouragingly.

My plan for this holiday was to stay at my apartment and work on my thesis, the house would be empty, campus would be empty allowing me a non-crowded space for any last-minute research in the library and so much options of where I would like to work, Until Marcus.

I had even phoned home ahead of time and explained this. My family was fine with it, so long as I came down for Christmas weekend, and my initial plan had been that while I was home, I'd visit Jillian as well.

I've never had to consider someone else's plans prior to this. But I guess that is also what having a relationship is like; having to care about the other persons feelings and plans.

Marcus was going home for the entire break and thought I should join him in meeting his family, and then seeing that we were at it, and that I was practically at home it would only seem fair to bring him home to meet my family as well

Since being with Marcus, I thought a lot about the tangible aspects of our relationship, and the fact that because this was my first relationship I didn't know what relationships were supposed to feel like as I had nothing to compare it to. In all my life I just imagined it'd be more...


We eat dinner, and Marcus knee brushes my leg from under the table too many times that it makes me slightly agitated. His family are fairly pleasant, they start light enjoyable conversation, nothing too intense, just general things; plans, studies and work. It's almost too easy to imagine myself in this setting, years from now. We talk about Marcus siblings, which I find interesting because I know barely anything about them. He has an older brother who is married and they have a little girl who is barely 4 months old, whose mother leaves her on my lap for a good portion of the night so that she may bring out the dishes from the kitchen. Marcus smiles at me for most of the night and steals quick kisses every now and again that makes me blush because sometimes his mother catches us and I feel slightly embarrassed

''You know how hot you look right now?'' Marcus whispers seductively in my ear, I've begun to bounce Terry; his niece on my lap, focusing very hard on not letting my expression give away what Marcus has just whispered into my ear

I squeeze his leg because that's all I can think to do. He grabs my hand and moves it to his groin, so that I can feel him

''We are at the table Marcus'' I hiss through a smile that I have not so gracefully plastered on my face

He chuckles, and kisses the side of my neck

I pretend this doesn't annoy me

After dinner Hilary tells us to clear the plates and then we may excuse ourselves, she says this in such a light way, it makes me blush. We excuse ourselves. Marcus wastes no time to take me on a tour of the rest of the house, before shoving me into his room; he plants a proper kiss on my lips

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