Chapter Thirty Seven

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Driving down to my grandparents' house seemed like a good idea until I got there.

Is it still called your grandparents house, if one of them has passed? He had still lived there after all

This might seem like I took Dr Greene's advice and decided to speak to my mother, which is not the case, I came to see my grandmother, I do not think I should torture her for my mother's actions, and I do actually like her.

It's just unfortunate that my mother lives there as well

I see the surprise on my mother's face when she opens the door for me, and steps out of the way so that can step inside

''Morning'' I say greeting no one in particular, handing my mother a bag of groceries before walking over to my grandmother and planting a kiss on her forehead. I did some shopping prior to coming here, which mom suggested would be a good idea. It is a good idea in the sense that it keeps my mother busy for a time being where she has to pack the groceries away

''Hello dear'' my grandmother greets back, reaching for my head to ruffle the hair I just brushed in the car

''I won't be staying for long'' I tell her apologetically as I move to take a seat on the sofa across from her

''Why?'' she asks, looking disappointed ''I haven't seen you around for the last couple of weeks'' grandma says looking at me so innocently, that I feel extremely bad.

I guess that my mother hasn't spoken to her, guess I should not be surprised, what did I expect? In my grandmothers eyes I am definitely the bad person here

''I don't want to overstay my stay'' I say lamely. This is not all the reason, I just do not want to spend too long here incase my mother gets ideas. I would not put it past her

''Nonsense'' my grandmother says waving her hand dismissively ''At least stay till dinner'' she adds

What is it with my family always trying to feed me

I eventually go to help my mother in the kitchen, I would rather not spend any alone time with her, but I do not want to seem ungrateful. And mom always says its polite to help people especially when they have invited you to stay

But I should have known better than that, because Of course my mother uses that as an opportunity to talk to me

''You stopped coming over'' she says it more like an observation, like she couldn't imagine why I would stop coming over

''I stopped having a reason to come over'' I pick back

She looks hurt by this, she changes the topic quickly

''is Elias your new boyfriend?'' she asks. I suddenly hate that I told her about Marcus, that she has that knowledge about me

''friend'' I say defensively, I'm aware that I am such a hypocrite, maybe I just don't want her to have information that only the people closest to me deserve to know

She nods her head in understanding

''And how is he?'' I look to her confused

''good I guess'' I say shrugging, I don't know where she learnt small talk, but she really sucks at it

''no, I mean like with you and stuff'' she rectifies

I give her another frown, why would she ask me something like that

''Yeah I am happy'' I say

''That doesn't answer the question'' she says, I don't know whatever or whoever gave her the impression that she deserves to know these details about my life

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