Chapter Thirteen

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After the Halloween party Elias and began to talk occasionally, I have made it my mission to show him that I am exactly what he wants and that I'm nothing like Jasmine, he tells me Jasmine is lovely he just doesn't like her that way, and I ignore how that makes my heart flutter like there's a possibility for us, sometimes I talk about Marcus with him too

As convenient as this might sound, Elias is working one day in the library at one of the desks that I like to call study stations when he calls out a friendly hey and I end up pulling up a chair and working on my work as well, and then we sometimes talk in the library other times he'd just text

''When was the last relationship you were in?'' I ask, were in the library today, and Elias says his fingers hurt from typing and his eyes hurt from staring a screen for so long so he decided to take a break and is now slumped in his chair and his head is thrown back, eyes closed, his Adams apple bared to me, I don't know why I find him, his neck, the way he's sitting in the chair so hot, I keep my fingers busy with my work

He looks to me amused, I see the coils working in his brain, he doesn't want to answer

''it's only fair, I answered your question last time''

He squints, his eyes two narrow slits, and makes these slight head movements like he is counting the time that it has been in his head

''5 months''

''that's fairly new''

He nods

''What happened? ''

He shakes his head, but I know he'll answer

''she cheated''

I lose the smile, which was on my face

I heard cheating is one of the worst things to go through, as it makes you feel like you weren't good enough

''I'm sorry''

He shrugs, like he hates the direction of the conversation

Honestly I would too

''Do you think that things would have been different with Jasmine if-''

''You ask a lot of questions'' he says cutting me off, but doesn't quite seem to mind

''if it were a different time, maybe Jasmine and I would've been something'' he says affirming my doubts, my heart falls

Guess she is better

''Makes sense'' I say trying not to sound too defeated

''But now I realize I'm not looking for anything, not looking for any relationship, I spent a lot of my time in the last relationship, I wanted it to work. I won't pretend it didn't suck what she did, or that it didn't mess me up. I promised myself I wouldn't get into a relationship, at least not anytime soon. At least till I'm done with university''

This conversation hurts more than I anticipated it would

''But it's refreshing to be single I guess, I understand why you've been doing it for so long'' Elias says opening his eyes and sitting up again

Not by choice

Elias opens his once shut laptop

''let me get back to work'' he says stretching his arms

I nod, and feel my heart slightly fall at Elias revelation, because I know what that means for me.

I have begun to fall in love with someone who is emotionally unavailable, and its best that I move on from it.

Easier said than done

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