Chapter Thirty Six

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Submerged under water

Fighting the water for oxygen, lungs have reached their capacity of how long they can stay underwater with no air.

Lungs begin to burn, water is filling the lungs

''What the hell is wrong with you -'' she is shouting

''Amber, Amber'' I am woken up by Elias, standing atop of me, he has a towel wrapped around his waist. I blink a few times to really take in my surroundings

I am in the bathroom, lying on the cold tile, I have a bath robe on, a bath robe I haven't worn probably since I've started campus, a robe I wouldn't have thought of putting on

Elias must have

''You scared me for a second'' he says, crouching down next to me, helping me sit up

''What happened?'' I ask, because the last I remember is being in the shower, with him -

''I think you passed out'' he offers

I recall what happened, me being in the shower, unbearable pain, and then darkness. I rub my head, Elias notices this

''yeah you knocked your head pretty hard when you fell''

My asshole hurts as well

''it hurt'' I begin

He pulls me into his arms now

''I'm sorry, so sorry, Amber, I would never hurt you'' he says gently, then kisses the top of my forehead ''I guess your body needed more time to get accustomed to it'' Elias states, and I ignore the way he says this last phrase, like there a possibility I would do this again

Hell no

I make a move to get up to walk out of the bathroom, as the cold tiles underneath me are not ideal. But I feel a sharp pain my abdomen

The pain startles me, and instantly i reach for the towel rail for balance, Elias helps me up

''it hurts I say'' more to myself than to him, because no one likes a whiner

It just really fucking hurts

''I'll get you a pain tablet and some water'' he offers, wrapping his arm around my waist so that he can help me out of the bathroom

My body hurts

Elias guides me all the way to the bed, and helps me in to the bed, even fluffs up my pillows and I laugh when he does this. He then comes to lay next to me

''I am really sorry that I hurt you, I should have taken note of how you were feeling, but I didn't, I wasn't even paying attention, because you just felt so good, and I couldn't help myself"

I like his words; they make me feel like the most beautiful woman, as if he could not control himself around me

''it's okay'' I murmur, my eyes feeling heavy

''Do you think you'd ever do it again?'' he asks, really surprising me

I can barely move and he is asking me about anal sex, guys are so oblivious sometimes

I want to tell him: hell no, are you seriously asking me that? But I don't, because what if he wants this, and I just need to try harder. Because if so I am willing to do that for us, to try harder for him

''I just don't want It to hurt,'' I murmur into the pillow '' it was scary when I passed out'' I add

He nods thoughtfully

''I don't know Elias, all I'm saying is I didn't like how much it hurt'' I finish

''We didn't have lube'' he begins, and I don't really like where this conversation is going ''but we can try again when we have lube it'll feel good'' He remarks ''I promise'' Elias adds after a beat

''you sure?'' I ask him, seeing that he did promise

''yeah, totally'' he nods enthusiastically ''it'll feel good, your body just has to get used to it''

I nod, my eyes growing heavy

Elias pulls me into his arms, at the last moment, where I nestle into his chest. And that's where I fall asleep

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