Chapter Thirty Four

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My throat hurts from crying, my body hurts from lying on the floor

From the distance, I hear my alarm go; I groan and get up to put off the antagonizing sound. Picking up my phone, I see it's the alarm to remind me that I have therapy in an hour

However, this time it is with Dr Greene and not Lila, making this a very different session to all the sessions I have had before. And I dislike new things. The week keeps surprising me with how much it can really throw at me

I get dressed, every minute I spend getting dressed, I think of Elias, and last night. Fuck what he says, I'm not psycho, the only real psycho is him, he knows nothing.

I'm in my car fifteen minutes later, having out Dr Greene's office address into my GPS, I have this little time of the day to focus on the anxiety of a new therapist instead of fretting over a boy who I'm quite sure I'm in love with having disrespected me.

I would say Lila's place of work did not really resemble her, yes she had some questionable pieces of furniture in her office, but you would assume it's any therapists office, as the furniture wasn't that big of a leap. However, Dr Greene's office embodied him.

The office was all grey and modern, with a huge glass fish tank in the main foyer and modern expensive looking black and grey leather chairs that were at first very cold under your buttocks, but still proved comfortable. Even his secretaries were dressed elegantly, oh yes he had two secretaries, both blond in pencil skirts and blouses

My heart feels uneasy, I miss Lila's mismatched office, and her 10 year out of data magazines in the waiting lounge that looked like a kid has hacked at quite a few pages with a scissor in some of the pages I imagine the magazines were once used as a resource for a school project.

I am eventually ushered in by the taller blonde, who likes saying my name ''Right this way Amber'' ''Dr Greene will see you now Amber'' ''Let me know if there's anything else I can assist you with Amber''

The secretary is also Australian, so every time she says my name it sounds like Am-buh

If I was wowed by the waiting area, I am flabbergasted at Dr Greene's office. its twice the size of Lila's, he has a glass desk for Christ sake, who has a glass desk?, and all his items on his desk match each other, the walls are painted a lighter shade grey, and there is a whole sitting area with a mini fridge in his office. I try not to look around in amazement, as I am trying very hard to keep the annoyed look on my face

''Good to see you Miss Lincoln, have a seat'' Dr Greene greets, gesturing for me to sit down

''Hi'' is all I offer back, as I plant myself on the chair opposite him

''so this is how a referral works, Dr Simmons is required to give me all the information concerning you, so that I may know you better'' Dr Greene keeps on looking up at me like he wants me to cut in at any moment, but I don't

''But I want us to treat this like a new relationship –''

More looking at me goes around, I look back at him.

''So Dr Simmons stated that you lost your father at a very young, age, it is not easy to lose a parent at such a young age. Why do people always assume that I would miss my father more than Kate. Truthfully, I cannot remember much about him.

Or a sister. However, I do not say this, because my goal for this first session is to not offer any information.

''If you know everything because Lila told you, why do you need me to tell you anything'' I say, annoyed now

Dr Greene, smiles at me like he is happy I said something

''wouldn't you rather have someone know you for who you are, as opposed to what they have heard about you'' he says in this mentoring way, like he things he just gave me so much wisdom

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