Chapter Five

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Whenever I visit home it's the same. I imagine this is what US navy seals feel like when they come home after being stationed at some undisclosed area for a period of time; where everyone envelopes you and are giddy with delight at your appearance.

It hasn't been that long, though it hasn't been a short period of time as well, but with my life being so busy and my schedule so demanding, it's easy to lose track of time or remember to visit home every couple of weeks. The older you get the less time it seems you have. Days used to go by so slowly, now they rocket by at such a speed I forget that I even used the time at all.

Family barbeques happen every month at my grandmother's house; I hadn't been to the last few because of the academic workload

Uncle John sees me first ''Amber'' he calls out a smile lighting up his entire face, which is enough to make me smile

After uncle john, it doesn't take everyone that long to come hurtling towards me.

It's this exact moment where I decide to recall what Fran had said about me having been blood related to a whole different family. Yes it's strange, but not in the way one might think, because despite these people not being my real family, they the only ones I'm willing to call my own

After a round of hugs and cheek kisses from my aunts and uncles, I'm finally released to be able to go greet my parents, I wrap my arms around them both not wanting to waste a second longer. Dad chuckles at this, and mom tucks a stray hair that has managed to escape from behind my ears into my face.

I hate it because it shows more of my face; she loves it because she loves my freckle

''how's classes been and everything?'' dad asks.

''Greg, no academic talk'' Tessa cuts him off, looking to me and pointing towards a salad bowl that she is indicating for me to get started on

''the workload has me swamped, that in-between the classes I'm teaching, I basically sleep for fun'' I say ignoring Tessa's no academic talk rule

Dad laughs ''that's adult-ing kid'' he gives me a squeeze and kisses my forehead ''we just miss you when you not around'' he admits, winking

''I don't understand why I didn't like sleeping as a kid, now I'm realizing I should've done more of it'' I say slipping out of his embrace to get started on the noodle salad

He smiles, gives me a little nudge and walks towards the beer cooler, and to where Uncle John is, leaving mom and I alone. I take my salad bowl to start working on it by mom. We haven't spoken much about my biological mother since I last called her, I spent so much time speaking about my real mother to Tessa but now that there's a possibility that she could become an actual factor I don't know what to say. I think Tessa knows this too, because she doesn't pry, neither does she ask. I'm thankful for this, Tessa probably knows me the best out of anyone I know

Apart from Kate of course

See it's not that hard to try and get to know someone instead of assume


After all the meat is done, and the table is laid, we all practically fall into our seats because of hunger and fatigue; it's a hot day and we are all hungry. The first few minutes no one speaks, everyone is too busy focused on piling as much food as they can on their plate than anything else

''it's been a while Amber, tell us what you've been up to'' grandma says

''Nothing much, I have a very uninteresting life'' I confess

''Oh, that's a lie, come one tell us what things you have been up to on and off campus,'' Aunt Reed begins, sending me a wink ''we won't tell your mom''. Everyone laughs; Tessa shakes her head, a smile on her lips

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