Chapter Thirty Nine

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I have nightmares. Well if I am being honest, I have a nightmare, a recurring one.

It is always the same nightmare. It is not a new occurrence, or something that has only started happening recently, it is also not as dramatic as it is portrayed in the movies where I wake up from these nightmares screaming and someone has to come running in to comfort me. Instead, I just wake up sweaty normally jolted awake by my own rapid heartbeats, but that is about it.

I always wondered what people looked like when they had nightmares; do they thrash around in their bed and mutter things? I do not think so; I mean I have been living with people my whole life. Fran and I used to live in a dorm room together before we got this apartment and I am pretty sure she doesn't even know I have nightmares. My parents as well, they did not know I was having them until I told them, and I only told them because I thought they could help with the matter. - They could not

Unfortunately, the nightmare pattern is not predictable, sometimes I have them, and sometimes I go months without having them. Either way it is very bothersome enough that I take something for them to subside; normally I just get pills from Lila. But My pills have been used up, and I haven't refilled them for a while now

When I say while, I mean like 5 years ago

I text Lila for the tablets she prescribed to me then, it really helped, it wasn't like a magical tablet where a unicorn came to fight all the bad in my dreams, it was more like; I'd describe it as a tranquilizer

I just know I wasn't waking up sweaty and disorientated, and I didn't even know that I had been asleep until I woke up, because that's how serenely pleasant the sleep was

Speak to Dr Greene about prescribing you a new gross. Reads the text from Lila, which quite possibly is the worst thing that I could have imagined she would say

I groan into my cushion next to me

So much for message, me anytime if you need help. Clearly, Lila is as useless as they all are

Reasons why I can't ask Dr Greene for tablets: (which can also serve as reasons as to why why I don't like Dr Greene)

1) He is always asking questions, sometimes he does not need to ask me questions, he just likes making things as extremely difficult as he can for me.


Me speaking to Dr Greene: ''Dr Greene, I need tablets, I'm having nightmares, and I need something to help with that-''

He'd respond by saying something like; ''Why?''

And I'd look at him annoyed, but I'd still answer because the tablets are important to me, and I need him to give me the prescription

''I've had them before, so you don't have to worry about anything, Lila gave me something and it helped, so I just need them again'' I'd state calmly

And of course I knew the name of the tablet, but I didn't say the name of the tablet, because as oblivious and uneducated he thinks I am about the topic the more likely he will give it to me. – At least that is my rational thought process regarding the matter. And by seeming uneducated he might even give me something better or stronger, especially if he doesn't know what Lila had prescribed to me

But I should have known better, and known that Dr Greene can't let his love of questions go, so he'd pester me with more questions, like;

''When did you get the nightmares?''

By then I'm annoyed, I'm asking him a simple thing, a thing that doesn't require him to question me about, yet he still is

''I just told you I've been having them for a long time it's not new'' I'd say trying to hold in my annoyance. But Dr green is relentless and he doesn't quit, even when he should. Like he should quit this job, honestly he'd be saving a lot of lives if he did

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