Chapter Twenty-Four

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''Babe, sorry I won't be able to make it, let me know when you arrive safely, I'm really sorry something came up, tell your parents Hi for me'' the voice came through the receiver of my phone. I played the voice note another time

''Babe, sorry I won't be able to make it, let me know when you arrive safely, I'm really sorry something came up tell your parents Hi for me, ''

Guess Elias wasn't coming; I didn't want to pretend I wasn't upset about it, I was of course but I had to pretend that I was all good and nothing was bothering me, because Fran was in the living room, she had been home since the beginning of the week. I returned to the living room with a smile plastered on my face

''I'm going to heat up some spaghetti, want some?'' I ask her

''Yes please'' she answer's enthusiastically, not glancing up from her laptop

''I'm going to head out afterwards, can you just lock up after me, because I already packed my house key in my handbag'' I ask, making my way to the refrigerator to retrieve the tub of leftover spaghetti

''yeah sure, when will you be back?'' Fran asks

''Probably Sunday, but I'll text you closer to the time''

She nods and I put the container in the microwave

After I finish heating the food and setting the table, Fran comes over to the table all giddily

''you have no idea how much I missed actual food'' she admits

''Id hardly call this actual food'' I reason. Fran and I had lived three years together now and in that time I always did the cooking and she the cleaning, she just couldn't cook and I didn't mind it.

''So then what do you eat at Justin's place?'' I enquire

She groaned

''Ramen, pizza, chips, McDonalds, cheese sticks, basically anything I can find in the kitchen cubboards and fridge''

''Sounds like a treat'' I say. She scrunches up her nose up at me

''So how are you and Elias?'' Fran surprises me by asking, she's not one to ask personal details you always just have to tell her, or offer up the information

''Good I guess'' I say chuckling

She takes a bite of pasta and swallows

''Out of everything that happened this year, like no offence, but... you and him getting together was the most surprising thing to me''

''Yeah?'' I ask

Fran nods ''I mean not like I couldn't see it, or couldn't believe it, I just didn't think that it would happen''

''I'll take that as a good thing'' I say trying to hide my offended undertone

I don't know what that's supposed to mean

She shrugs

''I thought maybe Elias and Jazz might get together or something''

I hate that she says this, I'm already insecure about the whole thing, but I say nothing and take another bite

''Well maybe you don't know that much about me'' I say definitely defensive

She laughs, I don't like that she laughs like she's mocking me now I feel like I need to prove my statement of how much she doesn't know me

''Did I tell you about the time Marcus and I got together?'' I begin, knowing full well I have never told her this

''What do you mean got together?'' she asks eyebrows raised up in question

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