Chapter Fifteen

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''And then I felt so stupid because I mean I honest to god thought he liked me'' Jasmine says shaking her head in disbelief as if the sheer memory still upset her, even though it's been months

I have managed to not think of Elias, actually think of him quite less, sometimes I'd see him walk past and then id pretend I hadn't seen him and that would cause me to think of him again but only for a little bit and then I forget about him again, it's better than what it had been so I'm convinced time will make this better as it has been 4 months and I've gotten this far

Jasmine and I do still speak to each other, I wouldn't call her my friend but she might call me hers, im not saying this because I have an ego issue, but because I heard her tell someone that I was a good friend of here

''Did he ever say this?'' I ask, wanting to know what led her to believe that Elias liked her

''I mean the fact that he said so?'' she says dubiously

This surprises me

''Really? He did?'' I say trying not to sound as disbelieving as I sound, but as her supposed friend my first instinct should be to believe her even if she is wrong I'm supposed to believe her first

''yeah, and when I said it back to him, he decided to not like me anymore''

''What a jerk'' I say softly

And because I've been convincing myself to not like him, it slowly morphed into me convincing myself that I hate him, and I had no reason to believe Jasmine would lie to me, so I had to believe her.

So it was Elias all along he was the problem.

Maybe I'm lying I didn't believe her immediately, I only believed her when I saw him laughing with another girl and then I got upset because that could've been us when I was thinking we had chemistry, and that when I walked away he would miss me and he would come back and proclaim his love for me like the stuff that happens in the movies and books but nope nothing like that, I just had to see him talk and laugh with other girls like my presence meant nothing

But I can't get mad because we aren't a thing, never were even close to a thing I'm the idiot who said she wouldn't like someone who didn't like her back and then sort of started to like someone who didn't like her back

I want Jasmine to tell me more about Elias then so that I can hate him, but I also cant pry without her getting suspicious of anything, I mean I had to wait so long pretending to be her friend just to get to tell me what happened between Elias or more so her version of what she believed happened at that party that night when Maggie and I saw her, I was willing to believe anything at this point, anything to exorcise him entirely from my system.

But I thought it was smarter to not push

And then just when I sense a glimmer of hope to potentially forget about him, and build solid base for me to dislike him and eventually forget about him, he sends me a text, and my heart skips multiple beats just when I see his name on my screen

Hey how are you, haven't seen you

I want to be petty and something like; why do you care, but I can't because I can't get angry, we not anything I'm not supposed to care

Hey, I'm good, I've been around haven't see you. I type back

Want to meet up in the library tomorrow?

Can't I'm busy of course I'm not but it's better for me if I don't

Oh okay that's cool, maybe I'll see you around?

Fat chance of that happening. I scoff out loud, as if he can hear me


I ignore the question marks

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