Chapter Fifty Seven

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Turns out it had been real

Fran had called mom and dad to come get me right after she left my house

She basically saved me.

Mom and dad left immediately and came straight for me.

Dad did punch Elias in the face, and this thought makes me smile, because my dad is the sweetest man alive who would never hurt a fly

My parents brought me home and called the police who took Elias away

I don't know exactly what happened to Elias, it's been a week now, I have been fading in and out of consciousness. When my mom and dad found me, I had broken ribs, a face that was pretty banged up, a concussion, a hemorrhoid in my ass, some muscle bruising, and cuts over my body and of course a broken heart

when I was awake I had to deal with the pain and when I was asleep I was greeted by nightmares

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