Chapter Twenty

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Marcus and Rose get engaged in the summer, I'm genuinely happy for both of them, they seem happy, we are all invited to the engagement party which is at Roses family beach house, it's an intimate gathering as they will be eloping at the end of the year, despite their parents being against it, it's what they want

And who can argue with two people happily in love

Marcus and Rose didn't want the engagement party as well but they figured it was a compromise for eloping and not allowing their families to be part of their tying of the knot

The event is supposed to be small, a handful of immediate family and mostly friends, we were all invited obviously, no Marcus didn't come and speak to me, he just sent me a platonic message saying him and rose would love to have us there

I doubted that, but I'm glad he invited me.

The weekend before the engagement party Rose invited us all u to the beach house for the weekend for fun, and then to set up for the engagement party after, we were all exited; we needed the break as well.

It was decided that the boys would go up with vehicle and the girls with another; we took Kennedy's suv because she had the biggest car and the guys took Elias truck.

The drive was a lot of fun, it was four hours long, felt like the old girls trip id use partake in after senior year in high school it was nice to be with just my girlfriends for once, we sang our hearts out to old One Direction and Taylor swift bangers and stopped at almost every gas stop for snacks and the toilets, that by the time We arrive there the night we were all pretty tired, that we didn't do much besides cozy up by the outdoor fireplace on the lounge chairs

Rose sits on Marcus lap and they share laughs and knowing glances to each other like two people who are in love, they seem so infatuated by each other it makes me happy for them.

There's no food in the house, and delivery is at least an two hours from where we are, so Fran and I rummage the freezers where we find two probably expired frozen pizzas in the freezer, we mutually decided not to look at the expiry date on the boxes, we tossed it in the oven, and set the table

We eat the pizza outside illuminated only by the fireplace =, and even fight over the last few slices of stale pizza. Hunger makes you do crazy things

''We need to go into town and get some supplies tomorrow'' Rose says, laughing as Zachary snatches a pizza slice out of Justin's hand

''Are you complaining about our food'' Fran says mock offended

''Never, it was the best 4 month old pizza I've ever had in my entire life'' Rose says and we all laugh

''We'll drive down to the nearest Supermarket'' Marcus offers, planting a kiss on the side of her head. I look away, but still hear the giggling and smooching sounds coming from them

I get up to clear the dishes as there was no throw away plates and glasses we had to use Rose's moms china

I manage to stack a few plates and glasses, then decide its better I ask for help in case something falls and breaks

''Hey Fran can I steal you for a second'' I ask her gesturing with my head to the plates

Fran is sitting next to Justin, his hand resting on her thigh, her head on his shoulder, Justin looks up first, he looks to me then to Fran

Fran gives me a pleading look

''Don't you dare you bitch'' I scold-whisper

''I'll just be a few minutes'' she assures me

''You and I both know that isn't true'' I say

She laughs and doesn't bother to deny, but instead leaves with Justin

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