Chapter Eleven

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I grew up believing that there are good and bad people, now I think we're all just bad people, just most of us convince ourselves that we aren't. I don't try and convince myself that I'm a good person, I just pretend and hope everyone else thinks it, but deep down in my heart I know what kind of person I am.

Jasmine doesn't pass like a tide, she stays. And Fran, Maggie, Dylan, Zach and everyone else has seemed to have taken a liking to her, but me on the other hand; I don't understand why.

What's so special about her?

She's dull, she doesn't incorporate anything of value to our conversations, most of the time she just sits there and smiles occasionally, barely has a personality if you ask me

''Hey, do you mind if I catch a ride with you on Tuesday?'' Elias asks me one day after class, his backpack he pulls tightly against his back, I can't help it, the show of surprise I imagine is evident on my face, this is the first time he has directly spoken to me

''uh, lift to where?''

''the science convention'' he adds dubiously

I nod my head slowly in response, still semi-taken aback that he is asking me for a ride, Elias thanks me

''I'll meet you at your place?'' he asks, running a hand through his hair

This awards him another surprised look, but I play it off

''you sure? I could fetch you by yours?'' I offer, only then realizing that Elias has a car, so why is he asking me for a ride

''you are already giving me a lift, it's quite literally the least I could do, I'll meet you by yours, thank you though'' he responds, the faintest smile at his lips

I nod at him, and he stalks off, offering a small wave before walking into the opposite direction.

As I walk back to the parking lot, I think of the conversation; firstly the fact that he knew I'd be attending the conventional Centre is what I think of first because how had he known that? It wasn't secret information Fran could have told him, but she also couldn't which makes me want to know how, then why was he asking me for a ride, when he has a car. Yes there are multiple possibilities as to why he might not be able to take his car to the convention, but I think of it nonetheless, that and the fact that he didn't offer any explanation as to why, I mean I myself always feel like I need to explain myself. Lila says it's because I don't have confidence in my answers, that I need to explain to eliminate the possibility of someone not liking what I had just said, so I feel like I need to explain, the fact that he doesn't must mean that he's confident.

I get into my car and start the ignition, this already should've been a sign to me that I was more interested in Elias than I should have been, but I like to ignore signs sometimes, to allow myself the opportunity of convincing myself of otherwise

I try and befriend Jasmine, risk coming off as a complete asshole, but I wanted to see what makes people like her so much, specifically Elias.

I must admit this urgency to befriend Jasmine only started after I gave him a ride to the convention Centre. Not that anything crazy happened during the ride, apart from the fact that it was becoming more and more apparent that I had a slight infatuation with him, and It was becoming more difficult to pretend and convince myself of otherwise

During the ride we spoke a bit, he was very quiet and introverted I'd say almost, he doesn't really offer much information, and I didn't want to ask in case he thought I was prying, but he did tell me his car was in for repairs, and I couldn't help myself, I might have been being petty but somewhere in our conversation, I threw in a: ''I thought you didn't like me, you always seemed so upset, I don't know this was before I was told that that is just your face''

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