Chapter Forty Six

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Can I come today? I message Dr Greene. Its late at night, well's early. The time on my phone reads 1:15 am. Of course I don't expect him to answer me immediately, but when he does sees this he will be able to tell me if I can or can't come today. I decided to message him immediately when the thought occurred to me that I need to see him, in case I change my mind. Like right now I'm already having second thoughts

But I do think that i really need to see him, because I don't know what else to do


i pretend to be asleep the next morning too when Elias wakes up. I hear him go to the bathroom, then loiter in the room a bit before going into the kitchen. The plan was to wait for him to go to class, before I get up. But Elias doesn't leave, instead I feel the bed shift as he climbs on it again, nudging my arm gently in what must be an attempt to wake me up

I don't know why he doesn't just leave for class, almost like he is afraid to leave me alone

How ironic

''hey'' me murmurs, kissing my cheek

I stir, really playing the whole; I just woke up card

''What time is it?'' I ask

''08:30'' he responds promptly

He is not supposed to be here, he has supposed to have left a half hour ago already

''Go to class Elias'' I say, groaning

I hear him fall back onto the bed next to me, and I turn to look at him.

''What happened yesterday after I left?'' he asks. Not wasting another moment I see, to interrogate me on yesterday's events

Do we have to do this right now?

''I told you what happened'' I interject ''i just slipped''

Elias has his planner out perched on his lap. He is the only guy I know who carries a physical planner, and follows it. That's discipline at its finest. Right now he is adding things into the columns without looking up at me

''But your friend –'' the way he says my friend like he has a problem with her. ''she is giving me fucking shit as if I did something to you, which is insane, I left you and you were fine'' he points out

I nod my head ''Yes I was... and I am okay, It's just bad timing that she came over when she did'' I say breezily

Elias meets my eyes briefly

''And what is this about a panic attack? you never have panic attacks'' he states. I try not to get annoyed with his tone or the fact that he is saying these things as if he knows what I do and don't have, and even the fact that I had it, seems to bother him like it were my fault, as if I chose to let this happen

Be reasonable, he doesn't know about my past, I can't expect him to just know about these things. For all he knew I had never had a panic attack in my life

''I did have them a while back'' I answer truthfully.

He disregards this piece of information

''Fran needs to keep herself in check and not meddle in our business'' he remarks ''Both of them, giving me shit, practically down my throat about me leaving you alone yesterday, like it's my fault you fucking fell out of the bathtub''

I don't say anything to this, I just let him rant on, about how these things seemed to have inconvenienced him more than anyone else. I stay quiet because I don't think he actually wants me to say anything.

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