Chapter Fifty Six

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''Coming'' I shout to the door

The doorbell rang once when I was in the bathroom, and I hurried up and wiped myself before flushing so that I could run to the door

The doorbell sounds again

It's probably the delivery guy, delivering the stuff I ordered at the beginning of the week, because I was too lazy to go out and go buy new printer ink and a ruler

I open the door

''Hello'' I greet, surprised to see Fran staring back at me

''I don't believe it'' Fran mutters in response to my greeting, she is looking at me with eyes wide open in shock. I'm wearing a gown over my camisole, I can't imagine what I look like, I haven't brushed my hair, or put on makeup-


The bruise on my face has significantly been through quite the number of changes. I can't say that it has disappeared yet, but it's getting there. So far it has been blood red almost maroon, then black, blue, even for a little bit; purple. right now it's a mixture of purple, brown and green, with a splash of yellow

I'm basically the rainbow with the amount of color on my face

''What are you doing here?'' I ask, pulling the stray hair that is hanging on the side of my face closer to the bruise, hoping she doesn't give the bruise much thought, the bruise is old, it's just taking a while to go away

''Shit Amber, what happened to you-'' Fran asks, taking my face in her hands and moves it to the side

I move out of her hand

''Did he do this to you?"' she asks

I'm annoyed, why does everyone assume this?

''What makes you assume he did this'' I snap

''Amber I have seen him beat up someone, I wouldn't put is past him'' she says

Again talking about his past

''I fell'' I respond affirmatively

''I don't believe that for a fact, if you are going to lie at least lie better'' she says

''Why are you here Fran?'' I ask

''Have you forgotten I live here?'' she says

That shuts me up

''Are you going to tell me now what happened to you or do I need to take a picture of this and get someone else to get the answer out of you?'' she threatens

''fuck you'' I hiss at her

She ignores my hateful tone

''All I'm asking is if he did this to you?'' She inquires slowly, so that every word hits

''Why do you think its him? why can't you just believe me when I say I fell!'' I snap, my patience running out

''you and I both know you didn't fall'' she retorts

I fold my arms across my chest

''Fran, why are you here? yes you live here, but you are only here when you are either coming to drop something or fetch something'' I say

''I came to drop something'' she admits

''Well drop it and be on your way'' I say sharply

''Amber'' I hear Elias call behind me

Elias was sleeping when I got up to use the toilet, I guess he is awake now

She sees the look of panic on my face it might be a dead giveaway

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