Chapter Fifty Four

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Its Tuesday and I'm in Dr Greene's office, he looks tense, and that's saying something because he doesn't ever quite look fully relaxed

So he looks more tense than usual

I have slid my journal over to him, Dr Greene had opened it and read it, then shut it again. I'm waiting for him to say something I've been waiting in anticipation for him to say something about my nightmares for a while now, to differentiate between them, remark on them- anything

But he doesn't say anything like that, instead he says;

''I have reason to believe that your partner is hurting you Amber''

I scoff

''Elias?'' I ask, and maybe that was a dumb question to ask on my end

''I have spoken to Lila-'' he begins

''About Elias?'' I ask visibly shocked

He nods slowly, like someone who holds some information, that might not be the positive kind

''You did what?'' I sputter. I don't know why I'm upset about him talking to Lila about Elias, actually maybe I do know. Because I know he'd be discussing my relationship with Elias to her, and Lila knows Elias, and she knows me

She might say something that I don't want to hear

''Calm down Amber-''' Dr Green says passively ''as you know I am required to consult with miss Simmons about you as she is the one who referred you to me, and has asked for regular updates on you''

She has?

I sit there quietly, my arms folded across my chest

''I asked her if you have any history of abuse''

''Why the fuck would you ask her that?'' I snap. Why are they discussing my business without me present

''I don't think she should be allowed to have information on me when she is the one who didn't want to see me anymore'' I state

Dr Greene looks at me with one eyebrow raised

''it is not a matter about what patient you want to see, but by law we are required to do what is in the best interest of the patient'' he responds

I scoff bitterly

''Anyway, my question related to abuse shocked her''

my heart is beating fast, I hope Lila didn't say anything to Elias, what if Elias thinks I told Lila about him? or that I complained to Dr Greene about him? he is already mistrusting of Dr Greene

I roll my eyes at Dr Greene ''she says that your adoptive family have no record of being abusive to you or anyone else''

''of course'' I snap

''I asked her if she knows of a boy Elias, or if there's any record of him''

My heart stops

''She says he's her patient'' Dr Greene looks up to me as if he is searching for a reaction on my face.

I give him nothing

''I'm not being abused'' I say more defensive ''don't know why you would even assume, that let alone talk to Lila about it, Elias and I are good'' I say fiercely

He ignores me

''Elias has a history of anger issues, and from what Lila says you should steer clear of him'' he warns

What Is Dr Greene my father?

''That's absurd, I'm fine, sure he has anger issues, but that's because he was beaten by people countless times that, would have an effect on anyone'' I snap ''and I don't get why Lila is saying I should steer clear of him, he's fine, she can't tell me who to stay away from ''

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