Chapter Twelve

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Attraction is a strange thing, sometimes we know exactly what we find attractive in a person and don't, if they don't tick all the checkboxes they are not attractive, other times we find ourselves attracted to someone we never expected to be attracted to, drawn by some invisible force of nature that we can't identify. Either way there are also the kind of attractions that is muted enough that we can ignore, and then there are the attractions that develop into something larger that we eventually decide to do something about it

Attraction is also the root of most relationships, even if the attractions is only one way, a lot of the time one person being attracted to another person they encourage themselves to like or find the person attractive back

The idea of someone liking you I guess is attractive

I'd never admit this, but I was always curious of Elias, he didn't speak, was majority of the time frowning, yes, he was attractive with dark hair and dark brows to match, but I didn't notice him as much until Jasmine came into the picture of course

Unfortunately, I was attracted to Elias

Everyone knew that Elias and Jasmine were friends, no one doubted it, there was no sparks or chemistry between them, it's just Elias was always looking for Jasmine, always sitting by her, always talking to her

I had had enough time to compare myself in every aspect to Jasmine and as shitty as this sounds, I had decided that I was better than Jasmine, I just needed to convince him of that

I realized I had a big crush on Elias the night of Halloween. I didn't go to parties prior to Elias, but I knew he did, which was why I went to a lot more parties in hopes that I might run into him there

I went with Maggie a couple of times and even pretended it was the most normal thing for me to offer to go with her to a Halloween themed frat party, even though I would have rather preferred to be at home, enjoying myself, doing literally anything but this. Somehow in my pursuit of convincing Maggie that I; 'just want to have some fun for a change' I end up convincing myself of my lie

So that's how I find myself pulling on a sweater and sneakers, because no one likes a girl who tries too hard, at least I think so

I mean it worked with Marcus didn't it?

''let's do shots'' Maggie shouts over the music.

I hate alcohol, hate the taste of it, I don't think you need alcohol to have a good time, but I follow her into the kitchen anyway. Jasmine is there with her head bowed down slumped in a chair; both Maggie and I notice Jasmine at the same time

Neither of us says anything, something definitely seems up with Jasmine

''you want to do shots with us?'' Maggie asks her, Jasmine looks up at us and gets up slowly by way of response; Maggie pours three shots which she lines perfectly on the table. Maggie and Jasmine have downed their shots before I've even lifted up mine

''Another one?'' Jasmine offers no one in particular

I slide my shot glass across the table to her

''you look like you need it more than me'' I say by way of explanation

''Thanks'' she says and downs it in one go, there's a distinct look on her face that night, only I'm unable to pinpoint what exactly it is

After the third shot, Jasmine stalks off with what seems like a sheer purpose of leaving us staring behind in her wake. Maggie and I look to each other In question, but neither of us dares to say anything

''let's go dance'' I find myself saying, and Maggie takes my hand before guiding me towards the dance floor.

I pretend this isn't my first time dancing in public when Maggie starts swaying her hips

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