Chapter Thirty Three

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''ice skating?'' I ask exasperated

''yes'' he answers gleefully

Elias had told me he wanted to surprise me and take me somewhere nice, seeing that I told him that he doesn't take me anywhere, so he drove an hour and a half away from campus just to bring me to the ice rink. I recall Elias telling me about this infamous ice rink that he had gone to with his cousins for every birthday of his, until they stopped wanting to go

Unfortunately, for me this was the day I realized that Elias sucked at surprises

''I can't ice skate'' I whine

''Come on I'll teach you'' he says, pulling me out of his truck, the excitement on his face is enough to Inspire at least a little smile out of me

''No you are going to let me fall'' I protest, as he slides his fingers through mine

''I promise I won't'' Elias assures, giving my hand a little squeeze before making our way through the main doors.

''quit making promise's you can't keep'' I state, putting my backpack on my shoulder and following him inside

Elias buys two tickets at the front kiosk, and helps me put on the ice skate boots once we find an empty bench to sit down on. The seating area where peoples put on their ice skates is quite a distance to the ice rink, which means you have to walk up a set of carpeted stairs first before you get to the ice.

The ice skates are legit boots, with two blades underneath it, and I think there's no way I'll be able to balance on them, but I do,- well I balance on the carpet before we get to the actual ice rink

If I can do it on mat, how hard can it be on the ice

''okay be careful the ice is very slippery'' Elias warns, never letting go of my hand. When he steps on the ice, he has to let go, but as soon as he is on and standing upright, Elias reaches out for me to take his hands once more. I take it, and I step slowly on the ice

Okay one foot is on, next one-

And then after the next foot you just repeat the steps, very easy.

Famous last words of a delusional girl

The moment I put my second foot on the ice, I slip from underneath him and almost hit the floor until he catches me

I scream so loud I am pretty sure the whole world heard me

Elias laughs

''you said you wouldn't let me fall'' I yell, at him, I don't even attempt to swat him incase too much movement triggers another fall on my end

''Well you didn't fall did you'' he reasons

I shoot him daggers

''it's so cold here'', I say rubbing my hands up and down my arms

''it is an ice rink after all'' he says

''Well if you had told me where we were going –'' I begin

Elias kisses me on my cold chattering lips, and I forget every thought and every word that had been in my brain prior to his lips. He chuckles when he sees the look on my face, and another chatter runs through my teeth when I am reminded that I am still cold

''Okay stay here, I'm going to fetch you a jacket I have a puffer in the truck'' he says skating to the exit

''No don't leave me'' I call behind him, without him I wouldn't be able to move on the ice without undoubtedly slipping.

Unless I crawl on the ice, but there's a sign that says no crawling on the ice rink so that is out of the question for me

''you'll be fine, just stay where you are'' Elias calls back laughing

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