Chapter Twenty One

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It's no surprise that Elias calls me that night, we are in the same beach house, just two different rooms.

Its past one and I have fallen asleep with my hands in my panties thinking of Elias pinching my nipples, putting my tits in his mouth and his hands down the front of my jeans ploughing me with his fingers

The screens radiant light hurts my eyes, I read the name, but don't really register fully, I slide the phone icon in the direction of answering the call

''Hello' I manage to get out, my voice sounds terrible as I have just woken up

''I can't stop thinking of you'' Elias says, he on the other hand does not sound like he slept at all

''well stop'' I say ''it's late....'' I stammer ''no it's early, have you not slept yet?''

I'm fully awake now I get up, and close the window that I had opened

He huffs out a breath, disregarding everything I just said

''you felt so fucking good, those tits, and I want to see your pussy, I want to feel you wet for me''

I've forgotten how to breathe; I climb back into bed and cross my legs tightly together

Amber control yourself

''Elias you are tired, and sleep deprived, go sleep''

''I want you''

I'm running out of things to say here without confirming that I do want him back, but I can't say this because then he might think I'm easy, but if I say no then it seems like un-interested which I am definitely not

''Did jasmine not answer the phone, is that why you called me''

I know, low blow; I was running out of options

''Amber'' he sighs, seeming actually annoyed

''Elias'' I answer, matching his tone

He takes a deep breath, not bothering to remove the receiver

''I want to fuck you, and feel you clench around me when I do''

I swallow the saliva in my mouth

That words was enough to actually make me wet

''Not going to happen'' I say instead, but to my ears it sounds breathless. 'Not going to happen' is the best I could think of really?

He groans ''Amber what are you doing to me'' he mutters

''look Elias, I'm flattered, but I told you I'm not interested in being your rebound girl''

Be strong, I know I want him, but I want him to commit to me

''You could never be a rebound''

''Says like... Every guy looking for a rebound girl'' I reason

''I'm serious Amber'' He shoots back

''I'll believe it when I see it''

''Do you like me?'' he asks, surprising with the new route to which this conversation is going

Fuck, how do I answer this?

''That's circumstantial'' I answer coolly

''Amber be real with me for like one second''

''Yes I do'' I breathe out

''Do you want me to fuck you'' he asks, pushing it, his tone changed, and I swear my body feels it

''Oh god, do you ever stop'' I say instead, hoping I sound as annoyed as I hope

''Answer the question'' he said sternly

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