Chapter Twenty-Six

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Fran is not there when we get to my apartment, she's in class, and she won't be coming home tonight either, otherwise I would have not invited Elias over, we immediately go to my room, I'm exited and my veins are singing with anticipation,

If we have sex today, I'm totally okay with that

He pushes me onto the bed; my heart is beating fast, hands shaking from the adrenaline

''If you weren't a virgin, I'd take you from behind and fuck you so hard right now'' this sends shivers down my back

My breathing is hard and coming out in quick little breaths, I want him, need him. Elias undresses me with his eyes first before his hands, he seems to like doing this, and I feel twice as naked

''I want to have sex with you'' I breathe out, saying those words feel so daring and foreign coming out of my mouth

Elias looks at me with an almost hunger

''Amber I'm not forcing you or rushing you to do anything you don't want to'' he says a stricken look on his face now

I nod my head enthusiastically ''I know, I want this, I want you'' I assure him

''you sure?'' he asks

I nod in response

''I want to hear you say it'' he says

''I want you, I want this'' I whisper

''want what?'' he eggs me on

''I want you to fuck me'' I finish

He inhales sharply

My whole body is pulsating with energy right now

Elias reaches under my dress and pulls down my panties, I'm so thankful I chose to wear a dress today, the room is pretty dark, because the one window in my room has some heavy tint on it so the only real light in the room comes from the lamp on my nightstand, it makes me feel more confident that the room is so dark, Elias comes up onto me, to kiss me, his lips moving swiftly, expertly, tongue dipping inside my mouth, teasing me

He breaks the kiss, and then starts moving down, slowly, his face inches from my body moving down, my heart picks up its pace I'm trying hard not to move due to all the sensations in my body

''El –''I get out, but it falls short when he lift ups my leg and presses a kiss on the inside of my thigh

He is killing me

He presses many more kisses, each kiss ending closer to my sex, until he has the lip of my pussy in his mouth; he tugs releases, then plants a whole lot of kisses in that region

''You smell so good'' he murmurs, his breath tickling me, Elias runs a finger up my slit, I hear the moisture there

He raises himself again on top of me, I get ready for him to kiss me but then he surprises me by putting his wet index finger in my mouth

I taste myself on his fingers

His eyes is on me, and despite everything we've just done this feels the most intimate

Without warning he reaches down with his hand and rubs two fingers into the folds, before proceeding to enter his finger into me

I gasp, at the first feeling of penetration, Elias presses a kiss to my lips, this action muffling my moan, and I feel him smile into my mouth

Elias then removes his fingers and puts them in my mouth again

''Open your mouth for me'' He instructs, then moves his hands slowly in and out my mouth, fucking my mouth

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