Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Elias is waiting for me at my place when I get back. He called me whilst I was on my way back to ask where I was, by then I was ten minutes away and would be arriving shortly. I imagined I sounded upset because he had asked me the normal check in questions, like; what's wrong, and are you okay, so I told him a little bit, and the more I spoke to him the more closer I came to bursting out in tears again. So Elias, said I should not talk on the phone while I was driving because that's how 70% of accidents are made and that he'd come over to my place later where I could talk about it further

It is safe to say, that his words were the first thing that had made me smile that day

I get out of the car, and when he sees me he gets out of his truck, I walk towards him and throw my arms around his neck inhaling his scent

''Hey, you okay?'' he asks into my hair, wrapping his arms around me as well

I nod; I don't want to talk, in case I start crying again, he draws me back so he can look at me, where he presses two kisses to each eye

''let's go inside'' I say, as I shiver it is cold out

He nods, and leads me inside, taking my key from me so that he can open the door, and it's this little thing, that has me smiling, and making me feel a bit better

I am too easily impressed by literally anything he does

Once inside, he sets my key down on the table, and I wrap my arms around him from behind and stand on my tippy toes so that I can reach his neck and press a kiss there

He gives in, and leans his head back to allow me better access then reaches around him to grab me so that I am in front of him and I yelp as he picks me up

''Put me down'' I say panicking, as I'm insecure of how much I might weigh

Elias ignores my plea and turns to lock the door behind him, and drops me on the sofa, softly leaning down to kiss me before breaking apart

''You were on the road practically whole day, have you eaten?'' he asks

I shake my head kissing him back, not wanting him to stop kissing me, I love his lips and his tongue and the way it moves on mine, he pulls back to look at me waiting for my response

''No I haven't eaten yet'' I say sighing

He gets up from the sofa, leaving me laying there all breathless

Elias opens the refrigerator, examining the contents I have inside

I peep over the sofa to see him pulling things out, and setting them on the counter like he intends on cooking something. I don't want him to have to cook me something

''We can just order takeout'' I reason, gesturing for him to come back to me

He ignores me deliberately

I get up from the sofa groaning and make a move to help him with dinner

I get to the counter where he's stationed at and grab a chopping board and knife

''what do you think you are doing?'' he asks me

''helping'' i say dubiously

''Go sit down'' he demands

''But I want to help'' I say

''You can help me by sitting''

I roll my eyes and go sit at the table

I listen to the sound of him chopping and then water running as he is most likely rinsing something

''So what happened when you went to see your parents?'' he asks as he begins copping again

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