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Two years later

I finally got my long last wish of never having to go for therapy ever again.

I am two years clean of therapy

Yes, I did have to see a therapist for a little bit after everything that happened with Elias. Lila started seeing me again. I no longer saw Dr Greene, but I thanked him for everything he did for me

And on my last therapy session with Lila, she showed me a video interview of my mom that had me bawling my eyes out at the end.

I didn't know Lila was my godmother, Lila says she didn't think she needed to tell me because godmother or not she said she would always look after me. Lila says she's proud of me and how far I have come, and she might never have kids of her own but to her, I'm like the best kid she never had

I'm happy

Happiness used to look different to me back then

I am actually happy now

I thought Elias was everything I wanted

All I wanted was for him to love me

But sometimes we think we know what we want or what we need, but we don't

But because of him I learnt exactly what I didn't need

I graduated, I am a successful working woman, I'm a lecturer at a couple of universities, as well as a motivational speaker , trauma counselor, and a wife

I'm a wife to the man of my dreams

Dr Conrad Greene

I said I'd stopped seeing him as my therapist, not as a person.

I didn't see him for a year after I graduated, and got my degree .plus, minus the fact that I had been  working through some unresolved trauma, suffering and pain, healing my inner child and re building my relationship with my biological mother for the third time

Hey, third times the charm right?

And then one day, when I was at a talk of mine, I had just gotten out of another not-quite-relationship. A non profit organization had invited me to be their guest of honor, and I had accepted the invitation graciously. And like most events that I am invited to, I am usually required to deliver a speech

This event was no different

So I delivered a speech  that day without knowing that there in the crowd sat  Conrad  Greene

We grabbed coffee afterwards and the rest was history

Guess Elias was right about one thing after all

I did have the hot's for my therapist

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