Fifty Five

18 3 5

After the therapy session I drive straight home, very much annoyed. Its late I had all my classes the morning and requested that I have my session with Dr Greene later the night. Hence Dr Greene had been my last stop for the day

I come inside, hanging up my coat and bag, and I smell the delicious smell of home cooked dinner

''Hi baby'' Elias says coming to kiss me ''how was classes?''

I let out a sigh of relief, seems like Lila didn't say anything to him

''classes were okay, my advisor says that the structure of my thesis seems promising'' I say

''that's good'' he remarks, kissing the crown of my head

I wrap my arms around him, and I can tell he is surprised by this, but he holds me back anyway

''I made dinner'' he says

''Mmmhmm, I can smell, it smells heavenly in here'' I moan

He laughs and we make our way to the table


Dinner is great, Elias knows how to cook, we talk about classes, and the workload, and every small detail in both of our days, we even talk about Maggie saying something to her professor that was quite inappropriate and the professor actually turned red.

The only thing I don't talk about is about what Dr Greene had said to me today concerning Elias

I am happy, screw them both

Dr Greene and Lila don't know Elias the way I do, yes he has faults but so do i, I have lot of faults.

The rest of the night Elias washes up and dries off, whilst I catch up on some work. After he's done he comes to sit next to me at the table, his reading glasses on as he pulls out a book out of his backpack

It's this small moment of me and him sitting in the kitchen together after eating a meal that he has cooked that I feel complete happiness, and I will remember these moments forever. Elias has begun tracing circles on my hand and I look up to him because I can't focus when he is touching me like that

We haven't had sex these past couple of days, he has been pretty respectful of me and my space and hasn't demanded anything. He is patient and kind with me, but all Dr Greene and Lila seem to care about are his faults

And this is why you can't show people everything, I mean Lila knows everything about him and look what she thinks of him. I know everything about him and I love him regardless of all that

And one day when I have the courage I will tell him all about me

I look up to him, and lean in to give him a gentles kiss on his lips

''I'm so lucky,'' he says when we break apart, gazing into my eyes

''stop it'' I say looking back to my laptop, hiding a smile

''I'm serious'' he says taking my chin in his hand to move my face so that I am looking at him once more. I look away again after he releases my chin and then Elias moves to kiss my neck

I flinch involuntarily, I don't mean to, I just do

''I have to do work'' I say trying to play off me flinching

His lips never leave my neck

''The work isn't going anywhere, I miss you'' he says and pulls me off of my chair to him, so that I'm standing in front of him, his face in line with my chest. Elias slips my t-shirt over my shoulder and tugs it from the bottom down, my arms are trapped on my sides by the short sleeves of my t-shirt, then he pulls my bra down, and takes one breast into his mouth, looking up at me while he sucks at the skin there

I whimper, he sucks deeply, using his tongue generously

''Feed them to me'' he says, and I'm insanely turned on right now, I pull his head closer, urging him to take more of my tit into his mouth, he does, and then he does the same with the other one. It's not long after that before I'm on the dining table

''Are we going to bless every table?'' I ask laughing, looking up at him

''That doesn't sound like a bad idea'' he says, kissing my stomach

Elias pulls down my pants, and then his, teasing my clit gently with his fingers before he inserts himself into me, and then he's fucking me on the kitchen table, and I am calling out his name as he pumps into me

I came once on the dining table, or was it twice?

Then we moved to my bedroom where we went one more time, before our bodies were spent.

I'm panting besides him, sweaty from the workout I now know as sex, when he moves closer to me and loosely wraps an arm around me

''I love you'' he whispers into my ear

And it's in that moment I decide to love Elias despite his trauma and his anger issues, I will even love him because of it

I turn around to face him

''I love you'' I say back and plant a gentle kiss on his mouth

Before i succumb to sleep

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