Chapter Forty One

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It's a beautiful day, the kind of day where the sky is not burdened by any color besides this beautiful bright blue, there's no clouds that taint the sky, and the sun feels delicious on your skin. I'm not saying this in an obnoxious way like the people who speak about the weather like it's a personally trait, - but it is a beautiful day.

I have my sunglasses on my face as I am lying back on my towel. the sand underneath the towel feeling deliciously uneven beneath me, I run my hands in the sand next to me, enjoying the feel of everything.

It was actually Kennedy's idea to come to the beach today, and everyone was all agreeing with her, until it came to the decision of who would take us through to the beach, and everyone begun complaining about the amount of gas we would need to get to the beach and the cost of the gas. so Maggie filled up Elias truck, seeing that he had the biggest vehicle, so naturally it only made sense, and that's how we found ourselves at the beach.

We don't normally go out as much, but recently a lot of us have decided to go all out and utilize as much time as possible that we can with each other, seeing that not all of us will be here for much longer. Marcus and Rose will be getting their diploma next month, which leaves them with the least amount of time, Elias failed a module so he's rewriting that module only. Which he will be doing a few months from now, which isn't that far away considering how seemingly quick time passes the older you get.

And Maggie is transferring to another University next semester

So it'll just be Zachary, Fran, Justin, Shirley, Kennedy and I

I am sad that Elias will be leaving too, but I am happy for him as I want him to prosper. I'd say we have been going strong, coming up 2 months, and everything has been perfect. Yes its only 2 months that he has actually started calling me is girlfriend, but I consider it to be much longer. The first time I realized I liked him was exactly 2 years ago

And now he tells me all the time that he loves me

I have gotten a boy to really love me back

In the past months, we haven't fought, I haven't forgotten what he did, it's not easy to forget you boyfriend choked you, I don't think anyone can. but he is trying, he really is. And there's comfort in that. Plus that's all I can ask for. And the fact that I can see his honestly, legitimately trying, makes it easier for me to love him back

I am also more susceptible to him, because I know it wasn't all his fault, I did provoke him after all, like I do. So like he is trying harder, so am i

''Want to go for a swim?'' Elias asks looking over at me, not even trying to hide the true intentions on his face

I smile at him, I don't need to answer, my face says everything

''you guys are disgusting'' Fran mutters, catching the whole exchange

''Hey no one said anything when you had your hand down Justin's pants when we went bowling,'' Elias bites, Zachary starts snickering ''and we all just had to pretend like we didn't see anything or know the couple who were in the corner making everyone else feel awkward'' Elias finishes

Justin goes red, at Elias recalling this chain of events

I cover my smile with my hand feeling bad for Justin, I recall that night clearly, when Fran thought it would be fun to jerk off her boyfriend in the bowling alley, and Justin probably thought he had a phenomenal poker face to pull it off, but he didn't. we all noticed, it was actually very hard not to notice, it might've been dark but Justin's jaw had gone slack, and he probably thought he was being quiet too, but we heard the grunts even though we all put good distance between us and them

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