Chapter Twenty-Seven

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I'm nestled into the mahogany plush chair that sits opposite big smooth Oakwood table, a table and chair I knew all too well, though these pieces of furniture weren't always around, and they only came when Lila revamped her office 3 years ago

Not many people can say they have been longer in therapy than the actual furniture

''So what's going on with you this week?'' Lila asks, adjusting her cushion behind her chair, the cushion for her back that she only invested in 5 years back after having back pain from sitting in the wrong type of chairs ''You look happy'' she finishes

It's unnerving how much details I know about Lila

I smile at her, I am happy; I don't think I have been happier

''Anything new going on?'' She asks

Here's a tip for when you attend therapy as long as I have, therapists love bringing up the past, never tell them anything unless you absolutely have to especially about details in your life, because they well bring it up every opportunity they have. Example; I mentioned to Lila I wanted to be a cardiologist a couple of years back, and up to this day she still asks me about it, even though I am in a completely different field

Elias, I decide to not talk about because she will refer to him every time, and if something is amiss she will naturally ask the questions that annoys me; 'do you think your behaviors has anything to do with a certain individual?' or 'are you sure its what you want or what you think they want'

I'm not an extreme pessimist, but I have experience with this type of thing, I spoke to her about my biological mother, and I'm afraid Lila will never let me forget as much as I would like to

''I passed the year'' I say ''I didn't expect to, my grades weren't doing so well, so I have a year left, well a year and a half to be exact'' I announce

''Well that's great Amber, Congratulations'' Lila responds. She doesn't ask me the next question which means she hasn't accepted my answer as a complete one because she thinks there's more

This isn't a lie, I am happy that I passed, but yes, that's not the only reason I'm happy

I rack my brain for something to say to divert the attention from this topic, but like I know these things about Lila, I know she knows things about me that I might not even want to admit to myself, and she'd know that I'm trying to divert and then she'd be more suspicious

Just play it down, make it seem less important than it actually is

''And I started seeing a guy'' I end up revealing, I try to play it off as detached and casual as possible, but when she looks at me, her eyes convey that she sees the smile on my face

''That's lovely, really, I'm happy for you'' Lila responds

And then I hurtle into a bunch of subjects to divert her from asking me questions about 'the guy I'm seeing'. We talk about random things, about my classes, stress even a little bit about Elias, but only because she asks direct questions about him that I can't beat around. I don't tell her who he is, or that she actually knows him, incase she says something that I don't want to hear, because she has this ability to say something and make me question my entire existence, and decisions, and right now I just want to be happily oblivious like every other person my age

But in my pursuit of not getting Lila to tell me something I don't want to hear about my new kind of- sort of relationship, she tells me something else that I didn't even know that I wouldn't have liked to hear

''So as you know, you and I have been with each other for a long time, much longer than any other patient I ever had'' Lila admits, I smile, because she conveys all of this in such a manner that it feels like she's complimenting me

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