Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Elias and I go again, first on the kitchen countertop, when we get distracted from cleaning up, and he pulls my jeans and underwear down and pushes himself into me, bunching his hand in my t-shirt, as he pulls me on his dick. Until I feel him grow stiff inside me, then release.

And then one more time that night against the wall, me pressed up against the wall, my bare tits smashed against the cold waterproof paint, I lean forward a bit, allowing easier access for Elias to enter, and so he does, thrusting rhythmically , and I moan his name as I come all over his dick.

If I was addicted to sex before having it, I'm worse now. I want Elias all the time, I reach for him as many times as I can, before my body can't handle it anymore, and by that I mean my body is so tired it feels as if it has been used to its maximum capacity that I'd never be able to do anything else with it ever again

Until we do it again

We fall asleep on my bed, my legs tangled around his, our bodies spent.

Is this oblivion?


The time for Marcus and Rose to leave for their elopement comes around, the day they have been planning for so long, packing well in advance, and raving about excitedly for weeks; just for them to oversleep and miss their flight.

They try and find another flight, and we all help out by scouring the internet looking for a flight for the same day, as the person that they had reached out to officiate the wedding there Is only free for the time they scheduled and would be booked until next month

And when you're drunk in love and had been counting down the days until this day came around for you to tie the knot I guess a month is too long to wait

''I have an uncle in Mexico, that officiates weddings'' Shirley chirps in, as Rose is busy conveying that the only flights available are way out of their budget

''Thank you for that very valuable piece of information Shirley Justin begins ''because we are definitely looking for someone to marry Rose and Marcus in Mexico'' he states sarcastically

Fran nudges him; I smile at his sour remark

''That's not actually a bad idea, to get married in Mexico, '' Rose says shrugging

''What?'' Justin asks in alarm and surprise

Rose shrugs, we are all looking at her now in utter shock, the fact that she doesn't think Mexico isn't a bad idea after having what seemed like a meltdown due to the fact that she believed that they couldn't get married anywhere else but in Vegas

We all wait in anticipation for her to explain

''Yeah, I have Mexican family, my mom is from Mexico – '' Rose begins

''But it will take too long to get Visas'' Kennedy adds

''you don't need a visa from here to Mexico'' Marcus says ''Mexico is still in the states''  He says dubiously to Kennedy

She flicks him off, imitating him with a bobble of her head, he glares at her and I laugh at their exchange.

''I think this might actually be perfect, maybe we should get married in Mexico'' Rose says excitedly

''you sure?'' Marcus asks, the look on his face screaming doubt

''Yeah!'' Rose answers ''this might actually be better''

''Shirley can you call your uncle and ask if he can marry us within this week?''

''we still doing this week?'' Marcus ask, the shock visibly written all over his face

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