Chapter Thirty Eight

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The academic year comes to an official end. And I am so tired it feels like I have physically burnt out. My last class had ended two days ago, and in the time that I have had a break, I have spent it doing nothing but sleep, eat, and watch tv series.

On the third day, I decide to spice it up a bit, I clean up my apartment, listen to a TED talk about self-value, this Ted talk being the exact reason why I decide to send Elias a text

You can't expect a man to respect you, if you don't respect yourself. And me letting him just go around gallivanting with other girls is so disrespectful, especially because I actually considered us to be in a relationship

I'm done. And I can't do this anymore, clearly you have no respect for me, because you continue to lie. I just feel so stupid that it took me this long to realize that all that you're good at is lying. I text him and then I put off my phone. so I won't know if I got text's from him or anything, which means I won't be compelled to respond, when he eventually texts back.

I don't put on my phone for another three weeks, and have resorted to sending emails as a means of communication. I seem to like inflating my self-importance in the world, but when no one really tries looking for me in the past few days; it feels like a slap in the face and it legitimately surprises me how no one actually looks for me; which only encourages me more to work on myself.

Working on myself, entails of taking baths, whilst listening to TED talks, I even exfoliate my body, on one or two occasions, even tried the gym, which was a dismal failure, and then decided the gym was not for me

Now I just stick to exfoliating

It takes Elias much quicker to hunt me down, he knows my schedule just like I know his, and he and I both have no classes at the moment because of the break, which means he has all the time in the world to look for me. Which was initially why I tried spending less time at my apartment, so it lowered the chances of him finding me, but going to Starbucks and pulling out my laptop to do some personal work I can only do so much of before going home

I know I said I was focusing on myself, but my brain does not want to. In fact my brain uses every opportunity to think of him. I realize that even when I sent that text I did not mean it as an unofficial break up text, I just wanted him to do better and be better.

I'm sitting on the grass, soaking up the sun, on an area behind the library, when I feel a shadow loom over me ''I've been looking for you'' comes the voice

I open my eyes knowing exactly who I will be looking at once they are open. There he is standing, he does not look happy that he found me, instead he looks more annoyed that he had to look for me at all

''I have been trying to reach you'' Elias sates

Seem unbothered, he needs to respect you, and until he does, you do not care about him or his feelings

''Sorry my phone broke'' I lie, I don't know why I lied, I should have just told him the truth that I am upset with him

''When is it going to be fixed?'' He responds, seeming more bothered by this fact than I am

''Soon'' I answer, barely looking at him

''I need to get a move on'' I say scrambling to my feet. Deciding I don't want to spend a second longer in his presence If he didn't come here to apologize to me or.....

''Can we talk?'' Elias asks, shuffling his feet, looking at the floor nervously

''Cant'' I answer dismissively, packing up my books in my bag

I sling my bag over my shoulder and start moving in the opposite direction of him, but he follows me

''What do you have going on today?'' He surprises me by asking. I turn around to look at him

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