Chapter Thirty Two

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They had a word for this thing; we learnt it in school, when your head is under water, but for too long, not the kind where you hold your breath under water to show your sister that you can stay longer than her underwater. But the kind when you didn't expect to be underwater so you didn't take a breath before you went under, which means you are unprepared. You are also now fighting the water with the last bit of oxygen you have in your lungs, hoping that the oxygen will stretch this one time if you will it hard enough to

But it doesn't, and then your lungs are filling with water, and water may be cool when you touch it, or when you're splashing in it, or throwing water balloons with it, but when you're breathing it into your lungs, it burns, burns like scorching fire


She is drowning

I do not know where she is drowning or how she is drowning; I just know she is drowning

And I'm frozen, unable to help her

Her head is submerged under water, but she does not fight the water, she does not try to come up for air, she just stays still, as if she isn't actually there, like she already imagined herself not there

The water sloshes around her, it used to slosh enough that she could steal quick breaths, but now the sloshing are less frequent, and her lungs do not know how to fight anymore or what to fight

''What the fuck is wrong with you?'' I hear her yelling, its mom, my mother. She is yelling

''Huh, answer me! '' She screams ''you fucking psychopath''

She's no more underwater, but she's not moving either

''Amber, Amber, are you here?'' I am jolted awake by the sound of someone loudly calling my name. The sheets are twisted around my legs and sweat mattes my pajamas to my body. I turn to the right to glance at my alarm clock on the dresser. The time reads; 7:30

Another nightmare

''Amber, helloo"' someone calls out

My head is spinning, my throat is dry

''in here'' I manage to croak out

''Are you alone?'' she asks, its Fran

I look next to me to make sure, yes, the bed is empty

''Yeah come on in'' I respond

Fran opens the door

''Wow, you look like shit'' she says

I laugh, ''thanks'' I reach for the water bottle on my dresser

She opens my windows and curtains, allowing the light to bleed through the glass, blinding me with the light

''Don't you have class?'' I ask her, the realization finally hitting me that Fran should not be here, especially this time

''Yeah, but your mom called me she said she was looking for you'' Fran retorts

Mom had Fran's number in case of emergencies if she could not reach me

Couldn't she reach me?

''Shit'' I muttered, reaching for my phone and see 5 missed calls from mom

''What did she want?'' I ask, rubbing at my eyes

''You can ask her yourself, she's here''

''Here? '' I exclaim

''yes, here'' she says dubiously, nodding in the direction of the kitchen ''get dressed, I'll serve her some coffee'' Fran says

I turn around burying my face in my pillow, before getting up, deciding I need a shower first. But first I'll go greet mom, so it seems less rude before just going to shower. I slide on my slippers and head for the door, Fran is still in the room, picking up my clothes on the floor, she glances at me

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