Chapter Fifty One

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I'm woken up by his kisses, my head hurts, my back hurts, my jaw hurts, it feels like my skull is crying for help, I reach my hand up to my head, to massage at my temple

''Hey baby'' Elias says into my ear

I remember what happened last night, I'm still mad at him, I make a move to get up, but I'm hurt everywhere

I need to get up, he's holding me, urging me to stay in bed

''Let go of me'' I manage to croak out

''Come on you can't still be mad at me'' he says exacerbated

''let. Go. Elias'' I say more firmly, I get up and fight every pain in my body to walk to the bathroom, I grab a sweater and jeans from my cupboard before I get to the bathroom door

''I said I'm sorry, I won't look in your journal'' he adds

the fact that he thinks this is all about the journal pisses me off

''you don't think you did anything wrong?'' I say turning to look at him ''like I'm the one who is in the wrong, like I shouldn't be mad?'' I bark at him

And the look on his face looks almost panicked

I undress out of my pajamas and get dressed as quickly as I can

''I'm leaving now'' I say

''its early you don't have anything to get to'' he says, coming up to me ''stay, let's work this out'' Elias pleads

I ignore him, and get my toothbrush from the bathroom, he's coming towards me and I don't want him to be close to me, so I move further away from him, and into the kitchen. the kitchen is a safe place. It's close to the front door

I brush my teeth and reach for my phone that's on the floor, I don't know how it got there, probably landed there because of last night

Elias is walking after me, I can't go pass him to go to the bathroom again, so I rinse my mouth in the kitchen sink

''Amber you can't just walk away and not talk about this''

I can, and I will

I continue to ignore him

I need to get out of here now

he reaches me now, and wraps his hand around my arm

''let go of me'' I say slowly, warning him. Elias obliges

''You can't go now'' he says again

I'm getting tired of him telling me what I can and cant do

''Why the fuck not?'' I ask

Elias doesn't have an answer, he looks to his feet, and runs a hand through his hair nervously

''I told you I'm sorry, what do I need to tell you to get you to stay?'' he asks

I unlock the door and slip outside quickly

it's now or never

I get into the car putting the key into the ignition so fast, I must have beat a world Guinness record with how fast I was, making sure I lock the doors this time, learning from my past mistakes

He's knocking on my window telling me to unlock the door, my hands are shaking at the ignition, I don't look up at him and continue not to look as I start the car

He is pulling at the handle of my door now, I hear the handle knock against the door repetitively, but he can't get to me, because the door is locked

I put the car into drive and drive far away from him.

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