Chapter Fifty Eight

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Dream journal: Final entry

''what the hell is wrong with you'' she shouts, it's mom shouting

These words have been playing in my head for many years, words I heard my mom shout at me every time

Only it wasn't me she was shouting them at

It was my mom telling dad

''what the fuck is wrong with you?'' she screams what kind of sick fuck are you?''

He is crying

There is snot and tears on his face, he is a blubbering mess, she looks disgusted at him, he falls to the ground crying, mom doesn't care about him

she runs straight to me, and scoops me up into her arms and holds me there. She holds me there for so long, rocking me gently back and forth

'' I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry'' she whispers into my hair

She is howling in agony, me her baby girl is hurt

In my nightmares I always see mom holding Kate this way

But Kate is not here at all

I haven't seen her once in this nightmare

It's only me

She's holding me

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