Chapter Forty Seven

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Never go to the supermarket during the weekend. If you can help it at least. It's just common sense, because not a lot of people work during the weekend, so the supermarkets are normally full on those days, and I do generally try and steer clear from supermarkets on weekends, but when you have nothing in your fridge besides two eggs and a carton of milk, you know it's time to do some actual grocery shopping

''Amber Lincoln is that you?'' I hear my name being called as I'm walking down the poultry aisle. It's not a voice I recognize, but the name and surname is a dead giveaway that the person knows me so I turn around slowly

I nearly drop my jaw on the ground when I see who it is, its Annika Dennis. She walks over to me and I take in as much of her appearance as I can, before she throws her arms around me in a friendly embrace

I'm so shocked to see her again

''Annika, wow it's so nice to see you'' I say, while her arms are still around me

I notice the shopping cart behind her, and that there is a kid in there, can't be much older than 3 playing with a stuffed dinosaur and block of butter.

I am genuinely pleasantly surprised to see her. Annika was our across the street neighbor from my childhood home, she was an only child and had every Barbie doll a girl could dream of even the limited edition ones. I stopped seeing Annika when I was taken from my home all those years back

''I wasn't sure if it was you'' she admits ''I even pulled up your Instagaram page to just to make sure'' she says, laughing whilst holding up the phone to my line of vision to show me that she had indeed pulled up my page

I however didn't have a hard time recognizing her, Annika has very distinct features, and there isn't really anyone else I know with one brown eye one blue one and a tiny slit between her front two teeth, and to top it all off; red hair

Like tomato soup; red

Despite this crazy description of Annika, she was quite beautiful, always has been, every boy wanted to kiss her back in grade school

''It's been a while'' I say

''That's an understatement'' she says animatedly, and we both laugh at this

Suddenly her face takes on this sad look

''I heard about what happened all those years back, I know it's been a long time, but I can't imagine how you must have felt, and what had happened must have sucked a great deal'' Annika says grimly, her feature's taking on this apologetic look

''Yeah'' I answer, not really knowing how else to respond

''I'm sorry, if that was- '' she begins, and I stop her, predicting what she might say next

''No, no don't be sorry, I appreciate you saying that'' I answer honestly

She smiles at me

''you're looking good'' she says earnestly ''what have you been doing?''

''oh, I'm still studying, next year is my last year, hopefully-'' I say.

''oh that's great''

''I'm teaching at another campus as well, nothing really crazy'' I admit. then stop dead in my tracks, I hate people who force you to listen to them talk about their lives, even though Annika seems like she really doesn't mind the conversation

''Mommy I want chocolate'' the kid behind her whines

''Yes, Jackson'' she responds ''you want something in every aisle'' she mutters the last bit and I smile at her

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