Chapter Fifty

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Dream journal passage:

I don't know what I did, but I know it's my fault, I killed her and I didn't mean to

I knew she couldn't swim, but I didn't check on her, she was in the bath, mom found her laying in the bath, just floating, mom is broken, she is crying sobbing, hitting dad, he's trying to get her to stop crying, to stop hitting him, to stop anything. But she won't stop

I can't remember Dad's face anymore as well. I'm forgetting their faces too.

I think dad is apologizing to mom, I don't know, I could be wrong, she's cussing and shouting at him. it breaks my heart the hurt I see in her eyes.

Mom can't see me, she doesn't even notice me, she practically ignores me, pretends I don't exit.

She always ignores me when Kate is around

But now Kate is gone, and she still can't stand to look at me

I look to the bath but the bath is empty, mom is pointing to the bath, as if she's in there yet every time I look its empty. I want Kate to be in the bath so I can look at her, so I can look at her one last time and remember her, memorize her feature's, memorize the last time I'd see her

Kate is slipping from me and I can't forget her, because it seems like I'm the only who will ever remember her

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