Chapter Thirty Five

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Two weeks pass by, and there is not a day that goes by that I do not think of Elias. I do not even want to see friends because I know I am, in a foul mood and I do not want to have to force anyone to be in my morbid company. So after most of my classes I just end up returning back to my apartment, catching up on work, sleep and anything that doesn't require mingling with other people.

All because of a boy

However, miserable I am, I refuse to be the first one who reaches out to him, even if it is by text. He needs to decide if I am important to him, and apologize because I cannot take that disrespect from anyone, including him.

Two weeks is a long time, and if I were the one that were in the wrong, I would have apologized long time already.

He is probably busy with other girls, that is why he is not busy thinking of how he messed up, or that he needs to apologize, I even consider messaging to tell him how he fucked up. But it's not my job to tell him, he messed up, he is supposed to know

Because it was wrong

I am in a foul mood, I hate that I am in this foul mood because of a boy

I should not prolong this any further, but Elias does eventually text me, after what seems like a century has passed.

I'm not sleeping with other people, it was upsetting we had this amazing time and then you accuse me of sleeping with other people

I take three deep breaths, before proceeding to respond

Then what was that with Candace? I type

I imagine, Elias to be raking his hand through his hair right now as he reads the message

We had been hanging out, and I occasionally flirted with her, and made out with her once. But that's it

I love that he assumes that making out with someone is not a big deal. Maybe not for him. I decide I do not care that much about the making out, technically he did not sleep with her, even when he could have. I am happy in the least that he decided to tell me the truth

What else was I supposed to think?, I reply back. you don't tell me anything. I send the last message, hoping he gets the underlying message that he should talk to me more often

You are supposed to trust me

Your track record isn't exactly clean, how can i

The phone does not chime for a while. And I still didn't get my apology

You called me a psychopath. I start

I'm sorry, that was a dick move on my end, I was just very angry

I do want him to revel some more, to feed my ego. And I feel like he can be more sorry than this. Even though I know In my heart that I already forgave him, it's easy to forgive someone when you are looking for reasons to believe them

It really sucked what you said, and it fucking hurt Elias. I type back

And I'm so sorry baby, really I am, It was a low blow, I wanted to hurt you in that moment, and I'm so very sorry for that.

I understand that, wanting to hurt someone when they have hurt you

Please don't do it again

Of course not. I will spend every moment I can to try making It up to you

I smile at my phone

And how would you do that, when you are so far away?

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