Chapter Sixty Two

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Recorded footage of Rachel Samantha Stevens in the Marcello Women's Centre for rehabilitation and ideation treatment Centre

interview #1

Interviewer: Please state your full name and sex ma'am

Rachel: I am Rachel Samantha Stevens, I am a female

Interviewer: And your age

Rachel: I'm 35 years old

Interviewer: Thank you ma'am, please tell us why you are here

The woman's eyes dart around the room nervously

Rachel: I tried to kill myself

Interviewer: Why did you try to do this?

Rachel: I didn't know that my husband was raping my daughter

Interviewer: How did you not know this?

Rachel: I was always working, I should have paid more attention, but I didn't

Interviewer: how did you find out?

Rachel: I found him one night, It was our anniversary I wasn't supposed to be home until another hour and a half. I had asked my boss if I could leave early to surprise my then husband at the time

He was a good husband and I didn't think he had it in him, I mean we were having sex and I thought we were happy. I also thought he was a good man and a good father

The interviewer, doesn't have a very friendly face, she listens and watches Rachel with a stoic expression. Rachel is nervous, and fidgets a lot with her fingers, she also speaks in quick, frantic bursts, as if she is afraid that she might start crying and she needs to get the words out quickly before she does

Rachel: I came home, I didn't see him and I didn't announce myself because I was there to surprise him

I started searching every room

Her voice gets all high pitched and wobbly like she's fighting everything in herself to not cry

I check my daughter Amber's room first, because it's been a long day and I missed her of course

She's full on crying now, It takes her five whole minutes to regain herself, the interviewer gives her lots of tissues to wipe her tears, even beckons to someone behind the glass screen to bring some more tissues inside

Rachel: I move to the kitchen thinking my husband must be there, I could usually find him in the kitchen. He cooked every night for us, as I worked late. That night, there was no food on the table because we had a dinner reservation, but I looked for him anyway in there

She sniffles

Rachel: I see there's a bottle of wine open on the counter

Interviewer: Does he drink a lot?

Rachel: No, but sometimes he has a glass of wine. he's a lightweight and can barely hold his liquor, but he always loved his wine

Interviewer: Okay, continue

Rachel: And then I move to our bedroom, the bathroom door is open and the light is on

I hear water, and I know he is probably washing Amber

And then I hear moans, I run so fast

Its him-

Rachel is crying again, her eyes are swollen from crying already. She has been crying prior to the interview as well, it had taken her 15 minutes to prepare herself for the interview, but even then it still seems like she wasn't prepared to convey this story

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