Chapter Forty Three

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''What are you doing this weekend?'' Elias asks me

I look up from my laptop, to look at him when he asks this, wondering where this question is coming from.

We are in bed, its Thursday, the new semester has started and I don't have any classes because a lecturer cancelled and the only class I have is the one to teach which is later in the afternoon. I look to him, him so obviously unaware of how handsome he is. he's in boxers and he has his spectacles on, which I didn't know he even wore until he unofficially officially moved in

Elias can't see far and he was told to wear it whenever he's in class and can't see the screen or when he's driving, but he never wears it and treats it like it's reading glasses. he's reading something right now, that I can't see the cover of. He meets my eyes squarely when he sees the look of surprise on my face

''What do you mean?'' I ask

''like are you going home this weekend'' he reiterates

''Oh, yeah'' I say oddly happy that he knows this detail about my life, which is that every second weekend I go home to spend time with my family

''Mind if I tag along?'' he asks, not looking up from his book, this makes me stop typing . I put my laptop down and inch closer to him

''Well, I'd say yes, but considering last time –'' I trail off

''hey, I told you I couldn't make it'' he asserts

I hold up my hands in mock defense ''I'm not saying anything''

He doesn't say anything else, but makes room for me to slip under his arm, so that he may hold me

''Why do you want to?'' I ask

He shrugs, my body moves when he does this

''Then yes I do mind if you tag along'' I say, if all he was going to give me was a shrug, and not an actual answer

''Okay, okay-'' Elias begins, shutting his book and pulling me further into his lap so that I can lay on his chest, and face him

''you should wear your spectacles more often'' I say, pushing them down

He smiles at me

''I want to spend time with you and your family, because I'm serious about you, serious about us''

I groan

''I've heard this many times'' I add

''I mean it, this time he says'' smiling

I fake gasp

''so you've been lying to me every other time''

He kisses me ''I shall neither confirm nor deny''

''How else am I supposed to know your family, if I'm to marry you, we already behind on schedule according to your plan you were supposed to be married last year – but we still have time before you're 25 to be married and have kids'' he says

I laugh, unable to contain myself

He makes me happy

''if that was a proposal you need to work on your delivery'' I reason

He wraps his arms behind my back

''c'mon I won't let you down this time'' he promises

I sigh into him, and lay my head flat on his bare chest, my hair tickling me

''promise?'' I ask

He kisses the top of my head

''you have my word''

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