Chapter Eighteen

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9 missed calls

I scoff and put my phone face down on the table and take my laundry out of the dryer

I come back to a message and anther 3 missed calls

Answer the phone Amber

I roll my eyes and type a reply


Who does he think he is to tell me?

I go into my room, and look down at my phone every time it buzzes, the buzzing is not from Elias, no more phone calls or messages, but the fact that I check every time unnerves me. I switch off my phone seeing that I have no self-control

I wish I could say that I leave my phone off for the whole night at least, but I don't, and when I switch on my phone there's 4 more calls and one messages.

I'm sorry, I was jerk.

I sigh and have my phone hover over the call button for at least five minutes until I decide to screw it

I call him

''oh now you want to talk'' he says by way of greeting when he does answer the call

''What do you want from me?'' I say feigning annoyance

''Babe, you called me''

My heart skips a beat at the use of the pet name, I know it's pitiful

I scoff, as that is all my brain can remember to do in that moment

I realize it might be too late that I have already fallen in love with this asshole, despite the lies ive been telling myself for the past few months

''Why did you call me Elias?'' I focus on saying

''I missed you'' he says not missing a beat

I scoff again, I mentally face-palm myself what am I 4 years old?

''Is this recycled lines that you've used on Jasmine?''

I know I'm being annoying and childish every time I bring her up, but I still do it, I don't know why maybe I just can't let it go the fact that he did like her, maybe I want him to deny it

''How you could you assume that? You know you are my favorite''

I'll admit it was smooth, I imagine him saying these words to Jasmine

''Goodbye Elias'' I say firmly, I want to stay on this call with him, want him to call me pet names and subtly flirt with me, but my heart is fighting for its life right now

''Hey, come one, I'm teasing'' Elias coaxes

I stay silent

''You know you are a jerk'' I say

''Wow, getting right into it'' he muses

''No I'm serious, the last time we spoke you said some shitty things, almost gaslighting me into thinking I was wrong''

''So I'm not allowed to get upset when I hear about someone that I was confiding in was speaking shit about me to someone else?'' Elias questions

''No I didn't say that'' I begin

''Look Amber I don't want to argue with you, yeah I might have been a dick last time, I guess I got mad'' he apologizes ''I mean I hope you could understand why I got so mad'' he finishes

''Yes, because you played with someone's feelings''

''Oh give me a break'' He says sighing, but he sounds more amused than irritated, which is precisely why I decide to continue

''I hate when guys do that, lead girls on, and then when things go south say it was all them, or it was the girl who wanted them all along''

''What are you on about now?'' Elias asks ''I'm beginning to wonder if you just like arguing with me''

''oh don't give me that; what am I on about –''

''Again with jasmine, what do you want from me Amber'' he groans playfully

''Hey don't get mad at me, if the shoe fits –''

''Okay'' he says cutting me off, ''Okay'' he says again more acceptingly, I suspect he only says it this way because he wants me to stop

That causes me to go quiet

'Anything else you want to get off your chest?'' Elias Enquires ''I just want to make sure you got everything off your chest, risk me being victim to another one of your attacks''

I roll my eyes, and smile, thankful he can't see me

''you're a real asshole, do you know that'' I say feigning annoyance

''So I've been told, I promise to be less of a an asshole from now on''

''I'll believe it when I see it'' I mutter

''I've never apologized to a girl so much apart from my mother in my entire life'' he muses

''So all the other people you hurt you just never apologized to'' – I trail off ''and you question why I call you an asshole?'' I finish

''I was angry, it had been a shit few weeks, I'm not justifying it, I'm just saying, I wasn't in the right head space''

''I get that, I do, but I am entitled to emotions and feelings and what you said and did wasn't cool and it was actually very disrespectful, and it hurt because I thought we were friends'' I say earnestly

I hear shuffling and rustling on the other side of the phone

''Yeah but were cool now, were friends again'' He Cajoles, I can practically hear the smile on his face

How presumptuous of him, I was also annoyed at his use of the friend word, I know I just used it which makes it quite hypocritical of me, but I also didn't want to be his friend

''We're not friends'' I state affirmatively

I wanted to be more than that

''Ouch'' Elias exclaims enthusiastically

But he was emotionally unavailable so it wasn't in the cards for us

''Goodbye Elias''

And with that I put down the phone feeling worse than I did before

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