Chapter Forty Five

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I can't move, everything hurts, I can't place the exact point of the pain, because the pain is so great it seems vast

I try moving, I try standing, I try walking. But all of these attempts are unsuccessful

I fall to the ground

''Amber?'' I hear the voice from beside me beckon me all groggily

My brain produces words for me to respond to Elias, but they don't leave my mouth in proper sentences. I mumble something incoherent to him, and I get up from the floor again, moving slowly towards the bathroom, I feel nauseous and my stomach muscles are taught because of the pain

Every move feels like torture, I probably make a series of pain-induced sounds.

Elias is up now, I see him appear in front of me

''Your period?'' he asks, gesturing to my hand clutched to my stomach. the fact that he assumes that it's my period irritates me.

A girl just knows when the pain is period related and when it is not, and this pain was not period related

''No, last night'' I snap

I move slowly, at a snail's pace to the bathroom,

''Hey, hey, are you mad?'' Elias asks me gently, his hand on my shoulders

I let out a breath

''No I'm not,'' I answer ''I'm just in pain'' Elias nods at me, then wraps an arm around my wait to help me into the bathroom.

''I think you were too big'' I muse

Again, i don't mean it in the way he thinks I do, but I'm in too much pain to reiterate, I lean over to turn the faucet of the bath on, which hurts like hell, might I add. Elias undresses me and helps put me in the bath, he even folds my clothes and sets it on the vanity.

Once I'm in the bath, I reach for the loofa and body wash in the corner of the baths rim, and I begin too lazily wash myself. After last night I had been to shaky to even wipe his cum properly off my chest, I wash over the designated area where he had came, and then run the loofa over both arms

I am too much in a pain-haze to notice anything going on around me, I look up to see Elias watching me soap myself up

''if you don't stop I might have to join you'' he says, and I see the bulge in his pants

I can barely move, let alone get my brain and mouth to sync to form actual sentences, and honestly I don't think I would be able to endure another round of anything physical.

I smile at him, because that makes sense in my mind to do

It crosses my mind to tell Elias to leave me to wash myself, and that he should shut the door on his way out. But I don't, and I know he is turned on even though I had no intention of turning him on

My body just needs a little time and rest, and then I will make him feel good all over again

''fuck it I'm going to join you'' he says

And then he peels off his clothes and gets in the bath, to my disappointment

The water sloshes when he gets in, and I'm momentarily annoyed by him; why can't I just have this moment

I know why he is in the bath of course, but right now I don't want him to fuck me, so I reach for him and jerk him off with my hand, putting in as much enthusiasm as I can, into my arm movements, especially when my arms barely have enough strength to wash my body.

He releases himself into the water, and I keep on thinking of how he needs to get out so that I can run a new fresh bath without his semen floating around. But he doesn't get out of the bath, instead he pulls me flush against him, ever muscle of mine screams with every move they make

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